Eyelashes & Entrepreneurship
Profitable Small Business Ideas & Simple Pricing Strategies


How To Rock It Like Oprah (Or Fix Your Pricing)

What's The Secret Sauce To Success? Remember like a year or two ago when everyone was asking…"So....are ya votin' for Oprah?” I mean, who would've thought an entire potential Presidential election campaign could've been started with a speech that was just 8:49 seconds...

Which COCKTAIL Are You?

Are you a Vodka & Red Bull? A Dirty Dirty? Or a plucky Blue Sapphire? Let's face it, you might be a little "disinterested," shall we say in whatever you're submerged in right now at the office. Totally get it, I'm kind of antsy right now too. Sometimes it's just...

How I Netted 427 Bucks from 1 Uber Ride

Who Knew Uber Was the Antidote to Stress? Like almost all of us who are (or try to be) good at what we do, I fret/think about/whine and stress about my business. Like a lot. I'm always looking to tweak something, fix it, improve, whatever. #ShockerTypeACheckingIn....


How To Rock It Like Oprah (Or Fix Your Pricing)

How To Rock It Like Oprah (Or Fix Your Pricing)

What's The Secret Sauce To Success? Remember like a year or two ago when everyone was asking…"So....are ya votin' for Oprah?” I mean, who would've thought an entire potential Presidential election campaign could've been started with a speech that was just 8:49 seconds...
5 Simple Steps To ID A Business Problem!

5 Simple Steps To ID A Business Problem!

Still Stuck? I hope this doesn’t creep you out, and as much as I really try and not be the airy fairy California girl (remember, I WAS born in DC), every once in a while I cave and the last couple of weeks show clear evidence of aforementioned. Here’s what happened....
Website MUST HAVES For Every Entrepreneur!

Website MUST HAVES For Every Entrepreneur!

To Be Successful In Business, You've Got To... I’m sorry, but I’ve just got to say it. You, ahem, WE, all have exactly the same problems with our businesses. And you know what’s ironic? When I was growing up my physician father used to come home from work sometimes...
4 Killer Productivity Apps!

4 Killer Productivity Apps!

Apps That Will Change Your Life! A few weekends ago, my best friend was in town and she has an amazing background not only in technology but also in video production. So it was a total win/win when she said she’d help set the lighting for the latest batch of YouTube...


Saved By A Checklist: A Goddess, ICU & DaVinci!

Saved By A Checklist: A Goddess, ICU & DaVinci!

You DO Have A Checklist, Don't You? How does an individual with ADD work without Adderall? Honestly, I'm not sure, but the only way my brain thinks straight is with LISTS! (Odd, I know.) Why? Because lists: Are like a massive bail out package Can save your...
9 Magic Words To Get Out Of A Mental Tailspin!

9 Magic Words To Get Out Of A Mental Tailspin!

Focus On The Key Pieces In Your Business That Really Matter! One of the benefits of ADHD, which I clearly have, is hyper focus. The beauty of hyper focus is that it allows you to go really deep into a topic, get lost and come out the other side with a pretty in depth...


Rethink Your Marketing A few weeks ago I shared a video of which I was pretty embarrassed, but I did it anyway. If you missed it, you can see it here. And while it didn't feel so hot to open the kimono, duh, that ezine got the highest open rate EVER. Really? I've...
4 Steps To Solve Any Business Problem!

4 Steps To Solve Any Business Problem!

Is The Grass REALLY Greener? Most ezines and social media posts are all about how fabulous xyz person is....Their marriage, kids, trips to the Riviera, etc. Don't get me wrong, if you're in business, you DEFINITELY need to project a confident, on brand image. No one...
Solving The Profitability Problem In Your Biz!

Solving The Profitability Problem In Your Biz!

Solving The Problem Hopefully by now you can see that there might be a better way of doing things than the way you've been stumbling along in your business to this point. Sit back for a sec and see how each of these three concepts: Pricing, Productivity and...
Solve Your Biggest Entrepreneurship Problem!

Solve Your Biggest Entrepreneurship Problem!

Profitability Do you know the difference between a business and a hobby? Most people don’t…But the answer is making MONEY. Profit. Not only do most people not have a specific plan to actually identify their target customer, communicate their unique selling...
Entrepreneurship 101 Stop Procrastinating!

Entrepreneurship 101 Stop Procrastinating!

Productivity When it comes to productivity, most people get it wrong. In fact, most people don’t get it at all. The biggest issue is that we’re so overwhelmed and spinning in so many directions, we don’t know what to focus on first. If you don't have a productivity...
Fix Your Pricing & Stop Procrastinating!

Fix Your Pricing & Stop Procrastinating!

How To Price! Pricing: This is one of the big areas where most businesses blow up. One of the biggest problems is we've never been taught how to set our pricing. I mean, have you ever heard of pricing school? When you start your own company this lack of...
3 Easy Ways To Make More Money In Your Business

3 Easy Ways To Make More Money In Your Business

Exactly How Do I Set Pricing? This is a long blog that you are going to want to star, keep, print and refer to for the rest of your life if you care AT ALL about how to price. And I think you do because that is the number one question I get asked: "How do I price...
Costly Business Mistakes & How To Avoid Them!

Costly Business Mistakes & How To Avoid Them!

Is This You? If you’re like me, your day goes something like this: Wake up. Stress out about everything on your plate. Check your email while still in bed. Freak out further. Hop on Facebook. So dumb. Everyone looks so happy. (They’re not.) Feel worse. Beat yourself...
When Opportunity Knocks, Make Sure You Answer!

When Opportunity Knocks, Make Sure You Answer!

Don't Be The Butt Of A Bad Knock, Knock Joke! “Knock! Knock!” “Who's there?” “Opportunity!” “Opportunity? You never knock twice!” Yes, people, I just opened with a terrible knock, knock joke, like it's 1977 and I'm at summer camp in the talent show. Don't worry, I...
How To Create Effective Branding On A Budget!

How To Create Effective Branding On A Budget!

To Get Your Brand Right, Know Thyself! I love lists. I've told you before, I'm a fan of lists to help me track progress, keep me focused on my goals, and to plan my day. An actual to-do list for projects is super handy. It helps me organize my thoughts and makes me...
Make Determination Your Power Tool For Success!

Make Determination Your Power Tool For Success!

The Importance of Being Determined! What in the world is happening in the middle of my summer?!! Apparently my kids are expected to go back to school now. I dropped them off the other day and they didn't come home till much later, so I assume that school happened. But...
5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Focus Every Day!

5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Focus Every Day!

How To Stay On Task, Avoid Distractions & Get More... Oh Hello, Check Out Those Cute Shoes! If I were to be totally honest, I'd admit that I have trouble focusing sometimes. I guess I just did admit it. I'm not sure why it's a thing that I like to pretend it isn't...
What To Do When Your Motivation Goes MIA!

What To Do When Your Motivation Goes MIA!

I Should Get Some Work Done Today. But First I'll Organize My Spam Folder, Then Clean The Coffee Maker. Ever have one of those days at work when you're just not feelin' it? Zero motivation. Every task, no matter how straightforward, becomes a monumental chore (that...
Follow The Leader: How To Inspire Your Team!

Follow The Leader: How To Inspire Your Team!

Cheerleader Or Coach? There's No “I” In Team! Go Team! Being a boss is sometimes like being head cheerleader... minus the cute skirt, megaphone and quarterback boyfriend. Not saying you don't own any cute skirts, yours are probably just longer. And maybe your BF has...
Business Inspiration From Top Entrepreneurs!

Business Inspiration From Top Entrepreneurs!

These Women Will Give You Entrepreneur Envy, But In A Good Way! “Holy Manolo, look at those shoes!” We've all had moments of shoe envy. Or maybe vacation envy. But what about entrepreneur envy? It's a little different — you can't purchase your way to being an...
Quote Me! Take Inspiration From 5 Badass Women!

Quote Me! Take Inspiration From 5 Badass Women!

Let’s Hear It For The Ladies! This week, I'm bringing you awesome quotes from some fierce badass women and I think you're gonna feel the inspiration. Like many women I know, I have a squad of ladies who inspire me. They're always down for a Friday cocktail (love...
Small Business Budget: Every Last Latte Matters

Small Business Budget: Every Last Latte Matters

Reduce Spending & Cut Your Caffeine Habit — In 5 Easy Steps! It's summer baby! Time to enjoy the season! Boozy brunches, sun, gelato… Italy here I come!! My flowy linen pants can’t wait! Maybe George Clooney will pick me up at the airport. Sigh... a girl can...
Pricing Success Strategies In 6 Simple Steps!

Pricing Success Strategies In 6 Simple Steps!

Knowing What To Charge Can Make Or Break Your Business! One of the hardest things to figure out when I started running my own business was pricing. In the beginning, I had no clue what to charge my clients, literally. Didn't have the slightest idea. Is that too much?...