Still Stuck?
I hope this doesn’t creep you out, and as much as I really try and not be the airy fairy California girl (remember, I WAS born in DC), every once in a while I cave and the last couple of weeks show clear evidence of aforementioned.
Here’s what happened.
One of my best friends is beautiful and practically psychotically positive yet not the least bit annoying. A rare combo, actually, so if she mentions a resource, I listen. Forever ago I had gotten a book by Esther and Jerry Hicks called Ask and It Is Given which isn’t as woo woo as it could be and reinforces the concept of setting clear intentions (if I were on the East coast, we would call them goals) in order to get more of what you want and to stop whining on what you don’t want lest you get more of it.
So when my playmate mentioned listening to a few of Esther’s videos on YouTube, I was in.
And hooked.
How To Get Unstuck!
There is an exercise that Esther uses with focus wheels. Net/net: You think of something that’s bugging you, write the opposite (what an amazing outcome would look like) and then 12 positive-ish words (I say “ish” because sometimes it’s hard to come up with totally positive words you actually believe) in order to make the new wish, ahem, goal, come true.
Then it dawned on me that Esther and her focus wheels are really the same as one of the tips in my new YouTube video where I highlight doing a data dump to get everything out of your brain to sort it all out and decide how to get unstuck.
You’ve heard me say a million times about how none of us can read the label from inside the jar because we’re too close to our problems and lack perspective.
This fresh video of mine walks you through 5 super simple steps to solve any kind of business issue and get unstuck once and for all!
And now on to...
Fix It Friday!
- Every week I’m challenging myself to give you a resource that applies to the content of the blog to help you accomplish one of our top 3 goals at The Profit Goddess!: Pricing, Productivity or Profitability...
- My game changer this week is Loom, a free Chrome extension that helps you get your message across through instantly shareable video instead of having to switch apps, write a thousand words, etc.
- I use it to make videos right from the computer so I can demonstrate something to my team, walk them through creating a proposal or illustrate exactly where I want the edits on my website. It is the ultimate plug and play tool that has saved us so much back and forth, I can’t even tell you.
No clue how I ever lived without it.
So take a peek, let us know what you think and most importantly, go watch this super short video I made for you on YouTube. It’s guaranteed to save you endless hours of angst.
Ciao for now –
P.S. Whenever you’re ready…here are 4 ways I can rock your world!
- Ready to jump start your pricing training right now? Then click here to learn how to price the smart way instead of guessing like everyone else.
- Take our FREE Productivity Quiz & learn “Which cocktail are you?”
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- Want to work with Me one-on-one? I’d love that! Just answer a few questions here & if we’re a match, I’ll send you a link to a FREE strategy session.
Nice article. Thanks for information!!!