How To Rock It Like Oprah (Or Fix Your Pricing)

How To Rock It Like Oprah (Or Fix Your Pricing)

Rock it like Oprah, or just simply fix your pricing with this FREE video (part 1 of 4) with The Profit Goddess! Marley Majcher!

What's The Secret Sauce To Success?

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Remember like a year or two ago when everyone was asking…"So....are ya votin' for Oprah?”

I mean, who would've thought an entire potential Presidential election campaign could've been started with a speech that was just 8:49 seconds long at the Golden Globes of all places?! And here we are again, not far from ANOTHER electoral sitch.

Love her or hate her, Oprah has a position and a message and most of all, success.

And come to think of it, who DOESN'T want to be successful in whatever it is they are passionate about? Success is a topic I'm asked about a lot, maybe because just about every single one of my successes has usually been proceeded by a pretty massive failure.

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You know the kind where you are just 10 seconds from giving up totally? #YupI'mAnExpert #HandRaisedHere.

I’m no Oprah, but if I try to figure out my secret sauce, these tips have stood the test of time:

  • Make sure you're charging enough. DUH! I had no freakin' idea how much time I actually spent on different projects or how to charge for my time or all of my expenses!
  • Track your time religiously for the next 7 days. Write down EVERYTHING you do and for how long you do it. Yes, you must include all of that Instagram checking!
  • After a week, look at which activities brought you the most success. Sending out your e-newsletter? Phoning a past client?
  • Figure out what 1 activity you can eliminate from your week and substitute it with your most successful activity from last week.

Yes, it really can be that easy.

And if you want to rock it like Oprah, or just simply fix your pricing, then check out this little video to jump start ya!

How To Rock It Like Oprah (Or Fix Your Pricing) - YouTube image

And now on to Fix It Friday!

Fix It Friday:

  • Every week I’m challenging myself to give you a resource that applies to the content of the blog to help you accomplish one of our top 3 goals at The Profit Goddess! Pricing, Productivity or Profitability. ...My game changer this week is Elevate.
  • Elevate is a new kind of cognitive training tool, net/net: a game, designed to improve focus, memory, speaking, mental math and a lot more. I use it to challenge myself and stay sharp.
  • I was already good at brain math but this has 100% taken it to the next level and I’m convinced it’s going to keep me from getting Alzheimer.

So take a peek, let us know what you think, and most importantly, go watch this super short video I made for you on YouTube.

It’s guaranteed to fix your pricing, stat!

Ciao for now –


P.S. Whenever you’re ready…here are 4 ways I can rock your world!

  • Want to take the FREE 4-video mini course that reveal the 3 key pillars of creating a business that actually MAKES MONEY? Cool, just go here…
  • Take our FREE Productivity Quiz & learn “Which cocktail are you?”
  • Sign up to FINALLY solve Your Biggest Business Problem!
  • Want to work with Me one-on-one? I’d love that! Just answer a few questions here & if we’re a match, I’ll send you a link to a FREE strategy session!

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