The Key to Earning What You Deserve

The Key to Earning What You Deserve

Stop Second-Guessing Your Prices!

Ever feel that tiny (or, let’s be honest, massive) pang of doubt when you quote a price? Maybe you’re thinking:

💭Is this too high? Will they say no?
💭What if they think I’m not worth it?
💭Maybe I should lower it just a little…


If you’ve been second-guessing your prices, over-explaining your rates, or undercharging for your expertise, it’s time to break the cycle. Because here’s the deal:

The only thing worse than losing a client over price… is keeping a client who doesn’t value you.

And do you know what happens when you undercharge? You attract the wrong clients. The ones who nitpick, ask for discounts, and expect the moon on a shoestring budget.

The good news? There’s a way to fix this—starting today.

The Real Reason You’re Undervaluing Yourself (Hint: It’s Not Just About Money)

Let’s get something straight: Your pricing is more than just a number. It’s a reflection of:

✔️Your confidence
✔️Your positioning in the market
✔️Your belief in your own value

So if you’ve been playing the “Let me just keep my prices low so I don’t scare anyone off” game, it’s time for a reality check. Because staying cheap doesn’t make you more attractive to great clients. It makes you a magnet for the wrong ones.

And here’s the kicker—your best clients, the ones who truly appreciate your work, don’t want the cheapest option. They want the best option.

Why Charging More Attracts BETTER Clients

I know, I know. Raising prices can feel terrifying. But let’s break it down:

🚨Cheap prices = cheap clients.
These are the ones who haggle, micromanage, and drain your energy. They don’t see your work as valuable—they see it as a transaction.

💎Premium pricing = premium clients.
These are the ones who respect your time, value your expertise, and trust you to deliver. They’re not buying based on cost; they’re buying based on confidence.

Think about it. When was the last time you second-guessed an investment in something you truly wanted? Probably never. Because when we believe something is worth it, we find a way to pay for it.

Your clients are no different.

How to Price Like You Mean It (and Actually Feel Good About It)

Okay, let’s get to the part you’re really here for—how to STOP feeling weird about charging more.

1. Ditch the Hourly Rate Mindset

If you’re still pricing based on hours, you’re setting yourself up for burnout. Why? Because:

⏳Time does NOT equal value.
⏳The faster you get, the less you make (even though experience should mean you charge MORE).
⏳Clients don’t care how many hours you work—they care about the RESULTS.

Instead of pricing by the hour, start pricing by value. What transformation are you providing? What problem are you solving? THAT is what people are paying for.

2. Stop Explaining Yourself

Have you ever sent a quote and then immediately followed it up with a paragraph of justifications? Something like:

"The reason this costs so much is because I have to do X, Y, and Z, plus factor in my experience, plus the market rates, plus…"

No. Just no.

Your price is your price. Period. End of story. The second you start over-explaining, you’re signaling to the client that even you aren’t sure about your rates. And if you’re not confident, why should they be?

3. Position Yourself as the Expert (Because You ARE One)

Experts don’t beg for business. They don’t apologize for their rates. And they definitely don’t discount their worth just to land a sale.

You have to position yourself as the go-to person in your space. How?

✔️Share your wins.
✔️Showcase testimonials from dream clients.
✔️Speak confidently about your pricing.

Remember: High-value clients pay for confidence. If you act like you’re worth it, they’ll believe it.

4. Create a Signature Offer That Screams “This is Worth It”

Want to know a secret? The easiest way to raise your rates is to stop selling “time” and start selling a solution.

Instead of saying:
🚫“I charge $100 per hour for consulting.”

Try saying:
✅ “I offer a $2,000 strategy session that will help you [specific result].”

See the difference? One is an expense; the other is an investment. And guess what? People pay for investments that they believe will pay off.

But What If People Say No? (AKA, the Fear That Keeps You Stuck)

Ah, the dreaded price pushback. Let’s talk about it.

First off, not everyone is your client. And that’s a good thing.

When someone says, “That’s too expensive,” here’s what they’re really saying:

🚩They don’t fully understand the value (which means you need to communicate it better).
🚩They’re not the right fit for your offer.
🚩They were never going to pay a premium price anyway, so it’s better to move on.

Instead of immediately slashing your price, try this:

✔️Reiterate the benefits.
✔️Share why your offer is a smart investment.
✔️Hold firm.

The right clients won’t flinch. They’ll see the value and say, “Where do I sign?”

The Bottom Line: Your Prices Are a Reflection of Your Worth

Look, I get it. Raising prices is scary. But you know what’s scarier?

🔥Staying stuck in the undercharging trap.
🔥Working yourself into exhaustion with nothing to show for it.
🔥Letting imposter syndrome keep you playing small.

This is YOUR year to own your worth, set bold prices, and attract the clients who actually appreciate what you do.

So here’s your challenge:

💡Take a look at your pricing today. If your rates don’t make you a little uncomfortable, they’re too low.
💡Stop justifying. Your work speaks for itself.
💡Start positioning yourself as the premium expert you are.

Because at the end of the day, success isn’t about working harder—it’s about working smarter. And that starts with knowing (and charging) what you’re worth.

Now, go make it happen. Check out our resources here!