Paul Allen Quotes That Will Inspire You!

Paul Allen Quotes That Will Inspire You!

Small business expert and entrepreneur Marley Majcher shares some inspiring Paul Allen quotes as she reflects on the impact he made in the world.

Reflections On The Legacy Of A Business Legend.

Paul Allen Quotes That Will Inspire You! - The Profit Goddess Logo

As 2018 winds down, I was thinking about people who've made a difference this year, whether in my life, in the world, in art, entertainment, in business, and so on. Some of them have passed away, so then it became like the In Memoriam video they do at the Oscars, only in my head. Since this blog is mostly about business-y stuff, the person who came to mind for this week's post is Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft... along with 8,000 other ventures. While reading up on his life and accomplishments, I found some Paul Allen quotes that I really like, which I'm sharing with you this week.

Before we talk about all the things he did in business, can we talk about the amazing-looking Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle that he founded? It was designed by Frank Gehry – not too surprising when you see it, super cool – and has become something of a landmark in Seattle. I love that it's known as MoPOP, which sounds like it could be a grandfather's nickname or a brand of champagne, not really sure. MoPOP is just one of the many places in Seattle where Paul Allen has left his mark.

Paul Allen Quotes: Seattle's Finest!

OK, I'll get back to the obvious: Microsoft. Can you even imagine where the world of computers would be without it? And to think that it all started with two guys who dropped out of college. Granted, they weren't college "dropouts" who were too busy partying to go to class, but still. My parents would've freaked the eff out if I'd quit college! Not to mention, Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard... Hahvahd!! I'm sure that went over really well with the parents. Paul Allen was the one who convinced him to quit, so they probably loved him. But thankfully, the Microsoft thing took and it all worked out pretty well.

After unbelievable success at Microsoft, and probably more money than he knew what to do with, Paul Allen figured out what to do with that money. He invested in companies, launched new companies, bought multiple sports teams (cuz why not?) and became a big-time philanthropist. He funded research for brain science, technology, aerospace, the environment, conservation, medicine, the arts and music. I'm sure I'm leaving lots out, but I've run out of steam just thinking about it. Not really sure how he did it all. But he did!

If I've piqued your interest in him and his accomplishments, you can peruse his website and come away simultaneously impressed and feeling utterly lazy and under-accomplished for whatever it is that you've done/haven't done! He was just one of those people – and the world is better off for him having been here. RIP Mr. Allen and thank you for all you did on this earth. I hope you enjoy the Paul Allen quotes this week as we end the year.

If you're looking for something to help with pricing in the year ahead, keep more money in your pocket and take your business to the next level, we've got it right here! And it's FREE!

Be Oh So Quotable This Week!

I always say running a business means the work never ends! Ain't that the truth? I bet your to-do list is a mile long! Make sure that the items at the top of your list are the things that relate to being more profitable. Everyone is so proud of being so "busy"...But Are You Making Any Money? Don't be too busy to focus!

Check out the summary of last week's business tips and motivational quotes from my Instagram page which you hopefully got to see in real time! If not, let's make sure we're following each other on Instagram!! is this week's roundup of Instagram images of My Top Business Tips and Motivational Quotes.

Paul Allen Quotes – Tip #1:

Paul Allen Quotes That Will Inspire You! - Paul Allen quote on purple image

Love this? Pin it to your Quotes Board.

"Any crusade requires optimism and the ambition to aim high." – Paul Allen

Paul Allen Quotes – Tip #2:

Paul Allen Quotes That Will Inspire You! - Paul Allen quote on blue image

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"For the most part, the best opportunities now lie where your competitors have yet to establish themselves, not where they're already entrenched." – Paul Allen

Paul Allen Quotes – Tip #3:

Paul Allen Quotes That Will Inspire You! - Paul Allen quote on green image

Love this? Pin it to your Motivation Board.

"From technology to science to music to art, I'm inspired by those who've blurred the boundaries, who've looked at the possibilities and said, 'What if...?'" – Paul Allen

Paul Allen Quotes – Tip #4:

Paul Allen Quotes That Will Inspire You! - Paul Allen quote on yellow image

Love this? Pin it to your Quotes Board.

"You look at things you enjoy in your life, but much more important is what you can do to make the world a better place." – Paul Allen

Paul Allen Quotes – Tip #5:

Paul Allen Quotes That Will Inspire You! - Paul Allen quote on red image

Love this? Pin it to your Motivation Board.

"The possible is constantly being redefined, and I care deeply about helping humanity move forward." – Paul Allen

Let's talk! I'd love to hear what you think of this week's Paul Allen quotes!

Did any of these Paul Allen quotes catch your fancy or make you feel inspired? I would LOVE to hear from you! Anyhoo...I publish these business tips and motivational quotes to get you fired up for your work week!

Oh by the way, are you searching for easy steps to charge more without losing clients? Learn where you're leaving money on the table and discover simple costs to cut PLUS get productivity tips! And the best part is it's all FREE! Get our Simple Tricks right here!

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And, if you want more business tips, get my book, But Are You Making Any Money? or contact me to really take your business to the next level!

xoxo M