14 FREE Time Management Tools and Apps...We All Need Them!

14 FREE Time Management Tools and Apps...We All Need Them!

Time Management Tools. Here is a list of cool tools from that can help you manage your time effectively and become more productive in your work. Who doesn't need

Here is a list of cool tools from that can help you manage your time effectively and become more productive in your work. Who doesn't need something like that?

Since I am a big fan of tools which are operating system independent, you will find that most of these tools are browser-based and can work on any computer whether it is Windows, Mac or Linux.

By the way, since I am also a fan of saving money, you will also notice that all of these tools are free!

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Launchy is a tool for Windows users and as the name indicates, it helps launch files, folders, and programs in a single keystroke instead of searching through the start menu or file manager. A huge timesaver.

Quicksilver is an awesome Mac-based tool which is like an advanced version of Launchy. Apart from helping Mac users in launching apps, it also helps in tasks like running scripts, sending email , etc.

Hyperwords is a Firefox add-on and based on my personal experience, I can say that it is immensely useful. Take a peak at the image to the right. Essentially, you highlight a word and right click to a world of new options. I highly recommend it.

Autohotkey / Memokeys
Autohotkey is the Windows counterpart of Quicksilver. It helps you in automating repetitive tasks and assigning shortcut keys to them. Memokeys is similar, probably easier to use.

Google Calendar
Like all Google tools,
Google Calendar is a very simple but very effective calendar app which has a huge number of features to help you remember important dates, create schedules and synchronize them across multiple devices.

RescueTime is a comprehensive web-based time management app. After an install, it gives you an amazing analysis of the time you spend on your computer everyday. It works in the background so it's not reliant on you entering any data. You just need to install their app and it does the rest. See the image on the right for a sample of the output.

WakeupOnStandby can wake up your system from stand-by or hibernation mode and automatically perform scheduled tasks like running a program or a process. It is Windows only.

Remember I talked about making your to-do list doable and keeping certain important tasks first in the list ?
NowDoThis, which is a super-simple to-do list app will help you do just the same. And yes, it's the quickest too.

Checkvist is a task list manager which I have recently started using. It is extremely simple and there are two great things about it : It supports hierarchical lists and it has some cool keyboard shortcuts which let you edit tasks in a snap.

Evernote is probably the best note-taking app. So how does it help in time management ? Well, first it works online, on Windows & Mac and on your cellphone too. It lets you quickly capture things like web clips, images, audio and share them. Also your notes are always synchronized across multiple devices. Hence it saves you more time then any other such app.

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Orange clickable rectangle with text overlay - "YES, I WANT IT FOR FREE!"

Lastpass is certainly my favorite password manager in the list of password managers I talked about sometime back. It is browser based, easy-to-use, feature rich and helps in generating passwords and filling forms quickly and easily.

Toggl is a simple and very useful time tracking tool which lets you track and analyze the time you spend while working on different projects.

Mind42 is a the best free mindmap tool and helps you to organize tasks and get a better view of what and how things need to be done. Most of the other good mindmap tools have limited free versions except for this one.

Remember I talked about taking time out and it's importance in the overall time management ?
Workrave is a tool which helps you do just the same. It alerts you to take time outs and relax....and enjoy life. 🙂



Written  by Abhijeet Mukherjee. Abhijeet is an internet entrepreneur who loves writing about tech, productivity, blogging & making money online.