Positive Outlook: Good For Business And You!
Small business expert Marley Majcher gives advice on having a positive outlook and shares quotes from some of her favorite authors on positive thinking.

It's all in your mind! "Think" your way to better outcomes!

Sometimes the dilemmas we face are issues of mind over matter. For example, my mind over donuts. Actually that's a pretty simple matter. I love donuts, so you can guess how that usually goes! But there are times when it's more a case of mind over mood. Like when I don't feel like doing something unpleasant. For some reason, taxes come to mind, and organizing my hard drive. Or those times when I'm just not feelin' it, but I have several clients to meet. Sound familiar? We all have days when we'd rather hole up behind a closed door and stay put. However, I doubt that's a frequent option for you. So how can you take days like that and make sure they end with a positive outcome? Try approaching the day with a positive outlook!
For starters, you can do like the song suggests and put on a happy face. Of course this doesn't actually solve any problems, but it can make you feel differently about them. Smiling really can improve your mood, maybe even better than donuts — or at least as well as donuts! This is a good example of mind over mood. Consciously try to have a positive outlook and you may find that you do.
Accentuate the positive! Eliminate the negative!
And like another song suggests (thanks Bing Crosby & The Andrews Sisters!), a good way to deal with stress and improve your mental attitude is to think positive thoughts. Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive! There are so many more songs I could quote... I've already got a mental playlist started! Focus on what's going well, the positive influences around you, the people who help your business thrive, the good decisions you've made. Giving these thoughts priority won't leave much room for negativity.
This week, we've got a roundup of quotes from some of my favorite authors to help you focus on having a positive outlook. Take a look at Stats & Curiosities from Harvard Business Review. My good friend, Nicole Matthews, wrote a great book – Permission – about how giving yourself permission to live the life you want is the first step to finding your best future! 4 Funky Mind Hacks That Reduce Errors, Boost Attention and Memory, written by Dr. Jeremy Dean, cites studies that show why these activities are relevant and effective. In Shawn Achor's book, Before Happiness, he shows how a positive mindset is the best predictor of motivation and performance in the workplace.
I'll say it forever...everyone is so proud of being so "busy"...But Are You Making Any Money? Don't be too busy to focus! Set smart goals and your business will benefit!
Check out the summary of last week's business tips and motivational quotes from my Instagram page which you hopefully got to see in real time! If not, let's make sure we're following each other on Instagram!! So...here is this week's roundup of Instagram images of My Top Business Tips and Motivational Quotes.
Positive Outlook – Tip #1:

"Forcing yourself to smile can reduce stress. There are physiological and psychological benefits from maintaining a positive facial expression during stress."
Positive Outlook – Tip #2:

"We all put way too much stock in receiving permission from others, and not enough into granting it to ourselves."
Positive Outlook – Tip #3:

"Eat chocolate to boost attention. Going for a run boosts attention, but let's forget about that for a moment... because eating chocolate can do the job!"
Positive Outlook – Tip #4:

"In my darkest days, I realized that the small but mighty group of women in my life had become the 'Knight in Shining Armour' the fairy tales told me would arrive."
Positive Outlook – Tip #5:

"I'm a positive psychologist, which means I believe our brains are powered not only by objective measurement but also by perception."
Do you have a positive outlook? I want YOUR stories on how accentuating the positive improved your business!
I'm sure you have a few examples of how improving your outlook improved your, well... outlook. Which tips above did you find helpful? What are your thoughts on mind over mood? I would LOVE to hear from you!
Anyhoo...I publish these business tips and motivational quotes to get you fired up for your work week! And, if you want more business tips, get my book, But Are You Making Any Money? or contact me to really take your business to the next level!
xoxo M
P.S. Of course that's not all we've got! Searching for more small business tips?
Then definitely take a look at these:
Positive Mindset = Positive Results!
150+ Holiday Business Tips from Mashable's #BizChats Party 2
I'd love to hear your ideas! So please comment below and then SHARE!