Meet The Farmers!

The above photo was taken on my trip last week to San Francisco, a #foodie paradise, and that #foodie word drives me crazy, but it happens to work here, and is a great example of a popular marketing trend I've been seeing a lot lately: selling with a story. I don't think for one second that the geniuses at are trying to be trendy, rather to communicate the backstory and the pride with which they run their business.

And it works.

Did I buy from them? Yes. Was it only because of the story? No. Was that part of it? Yes. A big part of it.

In fact, why WOULDN'T I buy from the pride guy with the adorable faces and in general, someone who took the time to tell me why what they offer is important to them?

Because that made it important to me.

How have you used story telling in your marketing? Let me know below because this is a topic I want to keep pursuing.

Freaking #foodie fascinating.

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