You're Hired! Become Your Own Business Analyst!

You're Hired! Become Your Own Business Analyst!

Small business expert & coach Marley Majcher shares her thoughts and quotes from favorite authors on becoming your own business analyst and being decisive!

Analyze this! And that! And that other thing!

You're Hired! Become Your Own Business Analyst! Small business expert & coach Marley Majcher shares thoughts and quotes from her favorite authors on becoming your own business analyst and being decisive! Check it out at https://theprofitgoddess!com/youre-hired-your-own-business-analyst #profit #eventprofs #harvardbusinessreview #JanetWallach #psyblog @henleyco - The Profit Goddess Logo Image with Money Bag and Pencil

Be decisive! I'm sure you've heard that before. We generally think of it as a good thing when a person is confident in their decisions, when they don't second-guess themselves. And it is. Who wants to waste time agonizing over every past decision wondering if it was the right choice? Not me! So how can you get to this level of supreme enlightened confidence and serenity? By taking the time up front to think over your decisions, investigate your options, do your research, consider the financial outcome. In short, behave like a business analyst would. Only without the expensive bill!

As a small business owner, you probably don't have the time or the budget to hire outside guidance for every big decision you make. I'm sure you go with your gut a lot of the time. But you have to balance that by doing your homework and gathering the info you need to make informed decisions. There's a lot to be said for not rushing, mulling things over, making lists of pros and cons. I particularly like that one! It's helpful to see things in writing to get perspective. After doing that, you may still need to sleep on it, which is just fine.

Be reflective! When's the last time you heard that? Maybe when you went on that no talking-juicing-meditation retreat. But you probably don't usually hear it given as advice on how to become a successful business owner. It seems the opposite of decisive, doesn't it? But is it really?

Give yourself a timeout! It might be just what you need!

When you see someone behaving "decisively," for all you know, they've been planning their move and doing research for months! Obviously, you don't have the luxury of time with every decision. That's a given when you're running a business. But when you do, you should become your own business analyst to ensure that you're making informed decisions you can feel confident about. That's the best way to be decisive!

Let us help!

This week, we've got a roundup of quotes from some of my favorite authors to help you focus on being a business analyst. Check out Stats & Curiosities from Harvard Business Review. Successful entrepreneurs follow these guidelines; you should too! The Richest Woman in America, by Janet Wallach, tells about the life of Hetty Green who was a resilient pioneer for women in business worth millions (which today would translate to BILLIONS!!!) at the end of her life. PsyBlog has an interesting article that demonstrates specific activities to keep your mind sharp. 4 Funky Mind Hacks That Reduce Errors, Boost Attention and Memory, written by Dr. Jeremy Dean, cites studies that show why these activities are relevant and effective. My good friend, Nicole Matthews, wrote a great book – Permission about how giving yourself permission to live the life you want is the first step to finding your best future!

I'll say it forever...everyone is so proud of being so "busy"...But Are You Making Any Money? Don't be too busy to focus! Set smart goals and your business will benefit!

Check out the summary of last week's business tips and motivational quotes from my Instagram page which you hopefully got to see in real time! If not, let's make sure we're following each other on Instagram!! is this week's roundup of Instagram images of My Top Business Tips and Motivational Quotes.

Business Analyst – Tip #1:

You're Hired! Become Your Own Business Analyst! Small business expert & coach Marley Majcher shares thoughts and quotes from her favorite authors on becoming your own business analyst and being decisive! Check it out at https://theprofitgoddess!com/youre-hired-your-own-business-analyst #profit #eventprofs #harvardbusinessreview #JanetWallach #psyblog @henleyco - Harvard Business Review Quote

Love this? Pin it to your Motivation Board.

"To make a task seem easier, lean back a little. The mind infers that a task seen from a greater distance is easier!" Stepping away from a task or decision always helps us view it in a new, fresh way. Sometimes taking the time to do that is all we need.

Business Analyst – Tip #2:

You're Hired! Become Your Own Business Analyst! Small business expert & coach Marley Majcher shares thoughts and quotes from her favorite authors on becoming your own business analyst and being decisive! Check it out at https://theprofitgoddess!com/youre-hired-your-own-business-analyst #profit #eventprofs #harvardbusinessreview #JanetWallach #psyblog @henleyco - Janet Wallach Quote

Love this? Pin it to your Business Tips Board.

"In business generally, don't close a bargain until you have reflected on it overnight." If a deal is good now, it'll still be good tomorrow. What might change overnight is your perspective, so give yourself that opportunity.

Business Analyst – Tip #3:

You're Hired! Become Your Own Business Analyst! Small business expert & coach Marley Majcher shares thoughts and quotes from her favorite authors on becoming your own business analyst and being decisive! Check it out at https://theprofitgoddess!com/youre-hired-your-own-business-analyst #profit #eventprofs #harvardbusinessreview #JanetWallach #psyblog @henleyco - PsyBlog Quote

Love this? Pin it to your Motivation Board.

"Chew gum to get rid of an earworm. Got a song stuck in your head that just won't go away? Chewing is like talking, which is like singing, so somehow messes up the recall of the song." It's always handy to know how to "outsmart" our own mind!

Business Analyst – Tip #4:

You're Hired! Become Your Own Business Analyst! Small business expert & coach Marley Majcher shares thoughts and quotes from her favorite authors on becoming your own business analyst and being decisive! Check it out at https://theprofitgoddess!com/youre-hired-your-own-business-analyst #profit #eventprofs #harvardbusinessreview #JanetWallach #psyblog @henleyco - Nicole Matthews Quote

Love this? Pin it to your Quotes Board.

"Experience has taught me that behavior is the real truth. Words are easy. Actions are a promise."

Business Analyst – Tip #5:

You're Hired! Become Your Own Business Analyst! Small business expert & coach Marley Majcher shares thoughts and quotes from her favorite authors on becoming your own business analyst and being decisive! Check it out at https://theprofitgoddess!com/youre-hired-your-own-business-analyst #profit #eventprofs #harvardbusinessreview #JanetWallach #psyblog @henleyco - Marley Majcher Quote

Love this? Pin it to your Business Tips Board.

"Define your brand! What are the benefits & features of your products or services?" Take time to think about what makes your products or services stand out from the competition and be sure that those qualities are being communicated to your customers.

Are you good at analysis? I want YOUR stories on how being your own business analyst improved your business!

I'm sure you have plenty of examples of how doing your homework led to a better decision. Which tips above did you find helpful? What are your thoughts on taking a "timeout" to think things over? I would LOVE to hear from you!

Anyhoo...I publish these business tips and motivational quotes to get you fired up for your work week! And, if you want more business tips, get my book, But Are You Making Any Money? or contact me to really take your business to the next level!

xoxo M