Your Target Audience

Your Target Audience

One of the things that I think is probably the most important tip I would give to people is making sure that you thoroughly understand your target audience.

One of the things that I think is probably the most important tip I would give to people is making sure that you thoroughly understand your target audience. I know that sounds obvious, but I can't tell you enough how many times people do not understand their target audience.

What do I mean by that? My target audience consists of anyone who has a credit card that will go through and anybody with a date and budget. The longer you're in business and the further down the road you go, you refine your situation to realize that your target audience is basically a group of people...I'm going to give you my definition of a target audience because everybody has a different one and certainly Webster's dictionary does too.

But my definition of a target audience is a group of people that want to buy your product, feel passionately about your product or service, and really resonate with you because of easy sale and easy dialogue. What do I mean by that? Target audience for me is a woman between the ages of 36 -52 has kids, she belongs to a couple of charitable organizations, and her husband is the primary breadwinner.

Why is she my target audience? Because I have learned over time I tend to work better with women. I have a lot of female friends who are in sales who do much better with men. I happen to do well with women. I speak their language.

So when you have a clearly defined target audience it helps you so much and ultimately it boils down to really increasing your profitability. How does a target audience increase your profitablity? What is the correlation? The correlation is you develop your marketing materials to this core audience so you're really talking to the core audience over and over. Your marketing, advertising and website is consistent and you're not marketing yourself to 17 different people or to the world.

I challenge you to sit down with a fresh piece of paper and write who your target audience is and what that means. How old are they? Are they male or female? What magazines do they read? What stores do they shop in? Are they a whole foods kind of person that shops in gourmet organic food stores, or are they a Costco person - quantity over quality?

Write down all the different things to really target and hone in and sell appropriately to your target audience - so you can effectively go and fish where those fish are swimming. It is just so much simpler.

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