Watch Your Thoughts

Watch Your Thoughts

Shape your life and business by choosing positivity and strength. Write down your intentions, repeat them daily, and stay patient for lasting results.

Your thoughts create your habits in life and business. Everything is a choice. For the rest of this year, make the choice to stay positive and strong. This simple practice will take you places you never even knew existed.

1. Write it down and repeat it often. Once you know what you want to be or feel, write it down. Hang it all over the house - on the fridge, in the bathroom, above your desk, on your mirror, on your dashboard. Put it anywhere and everywhere and repeat it to yourself as often as possible. Think of it as your own personal mantra.

2. Watch your thoughts. When you catch yourself sliding into your old thought patterns (and it will happen) or you get caught up in your same old story,  just dig up that intention and repeat it to yourself a time or two.

3. Be patient and persistent. You don't have to believe that the intentions will work at first (I used to "fake it 'til you make it" when I first started). Just keep at it. Repeat your intention over and over to yourself throughout the day and you'll start to believe it. Don't beat yourself up when you have those moments where you slip, just keep on keeping on.