Using Instagram for Marketing Your Business

Using Instagram for Marketing Your Business

Small business owner and coach Marley Majcher shares ways to use Instagram for marketing, with helpful tips from international photographer Marina Barayeva.

We’ve been using Instagram for years now with much success. I love technology (yeah for the 21st Century!) and have always been an early adaptor. Maybe it’s because I know a good thing when I see it! Or, maybe it’s just cuz I love trying new things! As an event planner, my business is largely a visual one. So when a social platform appears, embracing the age old adage, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” you know I’m gonna be stoked!

If you’re just starting your business, or looking to expand your social reach, check out our article 5 Social Media Tips and Tricks You Need To Know Now. It covers website and channel optimization, creating quality content, and learning how to track and understand your data. These practices are super important when it comes to using Instagram for marketing your business!

In her article Instagram for Business: The Detailed Guide to Instagram Marketing, international photographer Marina Barayeva shares dozens of insightful tips on getting started using Instagram, such as: defining your objectives, engaging with followers, using calls-to-action, adding branding style to your images (we use a lot of filters on our images as a signature style!), hashtag best practices, and how to track your results to create more targeted content. Believe me, this is really important! Especially with Instagram!

Small Business Diet Cut Operating Expenses Now! Small biz guru and coach Marley Majcher shares tips and helpful quotes on cutting operating expenses and how to have a leaner, more profitable company. Check it out at #OneMinuteList #hjacksonbrownjr #profit #eventprofs #entrepreneur - One Minute List Quote

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Each week we look at our analytics to see which posts are getting the most likes and shares, and basically driving engagement with other content and downloads. One week followers might love inspirational quotes, so we give them more of those. Two weeks later, we might get more engagement from wedding photos. The point is, with Instagram it’s always changing so you have to keep on top of things! Give people what they crave! It’s the best way to connect with potential clients and grow your following. Marina’s tips go a long way toward developing the strategy you’ll need when it comes to using Instagram for marketing.

One of the things Marina discusses is how to stand out in the marketplace. This is something I’m continually reinforcing with my own business clients. You’ve got to find your niche! If you want to learn more about that too, I discuss the topic in a lot more detail in Finding Your Place In the Market Helps Customers Find You.

For more business tips and career advice, check out these other awesome articles or contact me if you’re thinking about starting your own business and want support from someone who’s been there, and done that!