Top of Mind Marketing

Top of Mind Marketing

Using a USB card as a branded promotional item is a brilliant idea! It's practical, portable, and ensures your business stays on people's minds every time they use it. Investing in promotional products that are functional and long-lasting makes more impact than disposable items. Before you dive in, though, ensure your branding is polished and aligns with your marketing plan. Once you have your strategy set, this kind of creative promotional tool can keep you top of mind with past, present, and potential clients. What other unique, long-lasting items could you brand for your business?

At a loss for different ways to use your branding creatively? After a quick brainstorm session I came up with this fun ideas.

It's a USB card that's the size of a credit card! Not only is it easy to store and carry around but it has my branding on it. Who tosses a USB card, right?

Instead of putting your money into branding things that are disposable or that might not be of use to many people, choose wisely. Find something that not only relates to your business but has a very long shelf life.

Keep in mind that before ordering something like this in bulk that you must be completely happy with your branding first.

Although you might be thrilled at the thought of creating promotional products and getting your name out there, first things first!

Once you've cemented your marketing plan and have mapped out where you intend to spend your money, you can begin to create things like this for past, present, and prospective clients.

Just think of how impressive an item like this USB card can be. It not only displays creativity, but it's useful and keeps you and your business on top of mind for years to come.

What nifty ideas have you come up with for your business?