Money Saving Tips!

Money Saving Tips!

Every business is looking to cut costs, and there are simple ways to start saving money. From utilizing social media for promotions to comparing prices, tracking expenses, and adopting green practices, you can make smart adjustments that improve your bottom line without sacrificing quality.

Every business, no matter the size and no matter how the economy looks, is trying to cut costs . It is always best to save money where it truly matters. With these ten simple steps you can change your business for the better and start saving money!

1. Getting Attention! Advertising materials can quickly add up and break your bank account. Although it is a great thing to advertise, it might be a good idea to take the time and cut down those costs. Utilize your social media skills by announcing to all your Twitter followers or Facebook friends when you are having a promotion of some sort. If you sell an item, make sure to tuck away promotional fliers or business cards in the customer’s bag!

2. Magic Number Three. No matter what you are purchasing, it is always best to seek out the lowest cost possible. By checking out at least three different competitors, you may be able to find a lower price or someone who will match a price!

3. Tracking Your Time. My book, But Are You Making Any Money?, goes over my time tracking method. It is a simple solution to a large problem! Being able to track your time allows you to see where your time and money are being spent so you can finally realize where all your money is going.

4. Weekly Expenses. It is safe to say that checking what you spend weekly can lead to cutting out certain expenses. If you find yourself buying the office lunch every week, you may want to cut that out of your budget.

5. Ambitious Employees. An internship program is another great way to save money! Be able to hire intelligent, young and motivated college students for little or no pay at all.

6. Double Or Nothing. Make the most of your reward points for your office. Get points by using your credit card as well as stores that offer reward benefits.

7. Go Green! By choosing to use some green methods, you will save in the process, too! Double-sided printing will save paper and costs.

8. A Guest. Be a guest speaker at a community meeting or teach your trade to reach new potential customers. Stay awhile to pass out business cards and mingle with the crowd. They will have tons of questions! This is an easy and quick method to save money.

9. Payment Plans. Paying bills can be such a drag! Ask your suppliers if they give discounts for early payment.

10. Lighten Up. Have fun decorating your office while at the same time saving money! Dark walls require more power to produce the same amount of light. Paint your walls to lighten up your office space. Add some wall hangings to reduce the amount of energy you use!