This Week's Top Business Tips & Motivational Quotes - Part 17

This Week's Top Business Tips & Motivational Quotes - Part 17

Marley Majcher, small business strategist & pricing expert shares the Top Business Tips & Motivational Quotes

5 Key Small Biz Tips to Running a Profitable Business

HowThe Profit Goddess to Price Your Product or Service

It would be amazing to narrow down the business tips from all of the books I've read to 5, but, alas, it's hard! I am super visual and love motivational quotes, so have picked my favorite five key small biz tips to running a profitable business and compiled them here for you. Lord knows, being profitable is everything, instead of just focusing on sales. Enjoy!

Check out the whole summary of last week's business tips and motivational quotes from my Instagram page which you hopefully got to see in real time! If not, let's make sure we're following each other on Instagram!! is the seventh weekly round up of Instagram images of My Top Business Tips and Motivational Quotes. (To see Week 16, click here.)

Top Business Tip #1:

Top Business Tips & Motivational Quotes

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"Course correction involves sitting down with your staff & discussing what's working & what's not."

Top Business Tip #2:

Top Business Tips & Motivational Quotes

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"Change is not always fun, but in order to run a profitable business, you've got to course correct, constantly." Pricing is tricky for ALL entrepreneurs, but you can get a lot of extra support here.

Top Business Tip #3:

Top Business Tips & Motivational Quotes

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"When the bookkeeper prints a P&L for current jobs, the boss can analyze & adjust accordingly."

Top Business Tip #4:

Top Business Tips & Motivational Quotes

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"P&L's printed by job provide the clarity & knowledge you need to most profitably & effectively run your business."

Top Business Tip #5:

Top Business Tips & Motivational Quotes

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"Review your P&L's weekly, looking for totals & patterns."

The Bottom Line?

These Top Business Tips & Motivational Quotes I've shared here are all in my book, and unfortunately were all very hard won. Let me save you some of the tears and anxiety that all small business owners and entrepreneurs experience. Instead, use these Top Business Tips & Motivational Quotes as your own shortcuts. What do you think - are you now your own small business strategist? Want to come to Pasadena and teach ME how to be a pricing expert? What is YOUR favorite business tip? Please share it in the comments below.

xoxo M

P.S. Want more business tips and inspiration or a little extra help with your pricing? That's what we're here for, click here to get some extra support. Have fun and stay profitable!