This Week's Top Business Tips & Motivational Quotes - Part 6

This Week's Top Business Tips & Motivational Quotes - Part 6

Marley Majcher, small business strategist & pricing expert shares the Top Business Tips & Motivational Quotes for entrepreneurs.

Here Is My Weekly Round Up of Top Business Tips & Motivational Quotes - Part 6

Happy Easter!

What are you doing today to celebrate? I'll be in Palm Desert with the fam trying desperately to score one of the coveted golden eggs at the Easter egg hunt. NOT EASY.

Right on schedule, here is the whole summary of last week's business tips quotes from my Instagram page which hopefully provided food for thought to help you keep your business profitable! is the sixth weekly round up of Instagram images of My Top Business Tips and Motivational Quotes. (To see Week 5, click here.)

Top Business Tips #1:

Top Business Tips & Motivational Quotes

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"When you Code Your Way to Cash, you can stop spinning your wheels once and for all on what aspects of your business really need your attention. Hamsters, it's time to get off the wheel."

Top Business Tips #2:

Top Business Tips & Motivational Quotes

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"It's like Stephen Covey says–if you don't put the big rocks in the jar first they won't fit in later when the little rocks are taking up all the space."

Top Business Tips #3:

Top Business Tips & Motivational Quotes

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"Get only as granular as will help you run your business."

Top Business Tips #4:

Top Business Tips & Motivational Quotes

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"Hire a bookkeeper!!!"

Top Business Tips #5:

Top Business Tips & Motivational Quotes

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"When you spend some time tracking your activities in detail, your life becomes more streamlined and focused. You can let go of some things because you know where it's best to put your time."

The Bottom Line?

These Top Business Tips & Motivational Quotes I've shared here are all in my book, But Are You Making Any Money? My goal is to save you some of the tears and anxiety that all small business owners and entrepreneurs experience so you're not alone. Instead, use these Top Business Tips & Motivational Quotes as your own shortcuts.

What do you think - are you now your own small business strategist? Want to come to Pasadena and teach ME how to be a pricing expert? What is YOUR favorite business tip? Please share it in the comments below.

xoxo M