Things Are Looking Up?

Things Are Looking Up?

Things Are Looking Up. Blog content provided by Barbara Weltman, Publisher of Big Ideas for Small Business ® How does your optimism today compare with that of small business owner

Blog content provided by Barbara Weltman, Publisher of Big Ideas for Small Business®

How does your optimism today compare with that of small business owners across the nation? The National Federation of Independent Business Index of Small Business Optimism rose 2.1 points in May. The Index appears to have bottomed out in March when it nearly reached the all-time low attained in the second quarter of 1980.

Most owners expect sales to improve in the coming months. The same cannot be said of other business indices. The Index shows that demand for capital is down, hiring plans have not increased, and plans for capital expenditures were up by only one percentage point.

Many small business owners I talk to say they are tired of feeling down and prefer to go with their natural tendency of optimism. With some positive signs in the economy (initial unemployment claims are down and consumer confidence is up), this optimism may be justified!