The Silver Lining To Making Mistakes

The Silver Lining To Making Mistakes

Owning your mistakes is key to growth, and I’ve made my fair share. One of my biggest lessons came from holding onto a restaurant I wasn’t passionate about. I let my ego prevent me from partnering with a group to run it for too long. When I finally let go, it opened the door to starting The Party Goddess!, which led me to doing what I truly love. That “failure” became the best thing for my future, teaching me that sometimes letting go is the step you need to find where you truly belong.

If you know me, then you're fully aware that I own up to basically everything that I do...and every mistake that I make.

The important thing about making mistakes is learning from them. That's the moment that they actually become a blessing in your life, right?

Before I started The Party Goddess! I had a restaurant that I wasn't fully passionate about.

The defining moment for me was deciding to partner up with another restaurant group...and they came in to RUN the restaurant!

The mistake was that I ALLOWED my ego to keep me from this for too long -- GOOD that came out of it:  had to get over my ego and realize I didn't love the restaurant business and it allowed me to start the party goddess.... which resulted in all the things I love doing now!

When I look back to that time, I remember feeling lost and basically having no idea where to go. By letting go of my ego I've arrived at this place that I would never replace for anything.

Sometimes you gotta make those mistakes and experience those "failures" in order to wake up and find where you truly belong.