Spencer Pratt Buys Fame

Spencer Pratt Buys Fame

Spencer Pratt, known for his time on *The Hills*, recently admitted in an "Entertainment Tonight" interview that he attempted to "buy fame" by living a lavish lifestyle to stay in the public eye. Now living in his father's guest house and nearly bankrupt, Pratt’s fall from Hollywood's spotlight serves as a reminder that media attention without talent or substance is fleeting, and attempting to sustain fame by throwing money at it is ultimately a losing game.

After four mind numbing years of pestering us with his prime time television buffoonery, it seems Spencer Pratt is finally beginning to accept his place in the world. Stunned by the reality of now living in his father’s guest house, Pratt admitted in an “Entertainment Tonight” interview that he attempted to “buy fame” in order to keep himself in the headlines. The television personality nearly went bankrupt after “The Hills” was canceled and his paychecks stopped arriving in the mail.

Pratt explained the logic behind his ill-fated investment, claiming that trendy dinners and expensive parties were necessary in order for him and his then wife Heidi Montag to be seen in the public eye. What he did not consider at the time was the fact that all that media attention further portrayed Pratt as the detestable and talent-less suckfish he really is.

What is sickening is that the gimmick actually paid off for a few years. The ability to buy himself into the spotlight kept Spencer Pratt on the covers of tabloids for five seasons before the money ran out. The fatal flaw in this plan was that Spencer Pratt had no act to fall back on when “The Hills” finally ended. Consequently he blew all his money from what may be his last gig in Hollywood, and now has to start back at square one.

The poetic justice served by Spencer Pratt’s sudden demise is a welcome reminder that even in Hollywood, a person can only go so far without talent or planning. Living the life of an A-Lister for the purpose of media exposure may be a profitable short-term investment, but as Mr. Pratt has shown us, buying oneself into the spotlight can only get you so far. For those of you who might consider yourselves entrepreneurs, give yourself a reality check for a second. Are you really making any money? Or are you just blowing your resources and falling the way of Spencer Pratt?

Business aside however, I think we can all be glad that we may not be hearing from Spencer for quite some time. He told “ET” that his future career prospects involve bumming around the beach and sucking down 99-cent fish tacos for a while. It makes me happy to hear him say that; we were all thinking it. It’s finally time Spencer Pratt stopped lying to himself and admitted it.