SheBrand Candy!

SheBrand Candy!

Check out Liz's amazing new website and her brand-building genius at SheBrand! Her latest offering, *SheBrand Candy*, delivers weekly tips in categories like Mind, Brand, Biz, Style, and Social Candy, designed to help entrepreneurs build powerful personal brands. With actionable advice that takes less than an hour to implement, Liz will guide you in creating a brand of influence—because in today’s world, branding isn’t optional. Don't miss out on Liz's expertise, and make sure to visit her YouTube channel for more insights!

Take a look at my girl Liz's hot, new website. When it comes to branding and getting your message out there, she is a genius! She has a company called SheBrand and has recently launched a new offering for entrepreneurs that will help them build powerful brands one easy-to-digest byte at a time!

Here's what Liz has to say about SheBrand Candy:

"SheBrand Candy is a free weekly actionable and accessible tip in one of five different categories – Mind, Brand, Biz, Style & Social Candy – delivered to your inbox every Tuesday.

The intention of SheBrand Candy is to give you well-curated, valuable and easy-to-digest information, along with a “to-do,” that will take you less than an hour to implement. If you follow these suggestions and implement each week, you’ll be well on your way to creating an influential brand for yourself.

I’ll show you how to humanize the web, connect and build relationships, provide valuable content and communicate with your potential clients in a real and thoughtful way. You are a walking, talking, living and breathing brand, and the more you nurture and grow it, the more likely you are to attract clients and cultivate success.

Today, branding isn’t optional. You are a 24/7 live billboard. Every day, in everything you do – how you dress, how you speak, how you interact online to what your website looks like – you tell the world about yourself.

Everything you put out there – blog posts, status updates, photos, etc – becomes your Personal Brand Footprint.

Attention is quickly becoming your scarcest resource. If you’re not top of mind when you’re target audience is seeking information and direction, you risk extinction. The only way to become a brand of influence is to earn a piece of real estate in your potential clients’ hearts and minds.

So let’s tap into your clarity, uniqueness and personal style. Let’s start an archaeological dig for your brand and show the world what you’re made of. Start your own trend. Ride your own wave. And as Oscar Wilde so eloquently put it, “Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.”

Click here to check out her YouTube Channel too!