Sea World Being Sued for Slavery?! Protect Your Business

Sea World Being Sued for Slavery?! Protect Your Business

Sea World Being Sued for Slavery?! Protect Your Business. Whether you're an animal lover or not, you might agree that a lawsuit against Sea World for slavery might be a bit over-the-top.

Whether you're an animal lover or not, you might agree that a lawsuit against Sea World for slavery might be a bit over-the-top.

Apparently, PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is accusing the Sea World parks of keeping five star-performer whales in conditions that violate the 13th Amendment ban on slavery.

According to legal experts, the chances of the suit succeeding are slim, but the fact still remains that there is a lawsuit. A large amount of money and time will be spent on this case. The suit, which PETA says it will file this week in U.S. District Court in San Diego, hinges on the fact that the 13th Amendment, while prohibiting slavery and involuntary servitude, does not specify that only humans can be victims.

What does this have to do with your business? Everything. If you are currently running your own biz, you need to have the proper education on how to protect yourself. Every business is different and overall insurance coverage may not be specific enough to cover you in a serious situation. Many people don't take these details into consideration when first creating their company. They become so involved with all of the other facets that they gloss over the legal issues. It's not until they are smacked in the face with a notice from the court that they realize the severity of the matter.

The top thing to put on your "To-Do" list today: look into getting the exact kind of coverage you need. If you're not sure what the specific type may be, do some research. You can't be too careful. Don't allow yourself to find out what you should have done AFTER you're staring a lawsuit in the face. It's worth any amount of time you can give this topic.