Positive Mindset = Positive Results!

Positive Mindset = Positive Results!

Small business coach Marley Majcher shares thoughts to improve your business with a positive mindset from some of her favorite authors (including herself)!

Let Go Of The Issues That Can Derail Your Business!

Positive Mindset = Positive Results - The Profit Goddess Rainbow Logo Image

We all have our issues. Some more than others, but hey, that’s what makes life interesting! I’d be kidding myself if I said my issues never affected my business. Sometimes, it’s hard to toss aside doubts and the same old way of doing things, and just charge ahead with confidence! But doing just that might be exactly what your business needs. So adopt a positive mindset and good things will follow. Be positive! Trust your decisions! Try a different approach sometimes! Who knows? You might find that you’ve put your business on a better track. And what's not to like about that? Your customers will notice the difference too. And that's always good for business!

Don't Let Negative Thoughts And Doubts Get You Off Track!

This week, we've got a roundup of quotes from some of my favorite authors (including yours truly!) to help you focus on the positive. My good friend, Nicole Matthews, wrote a great book – Permission – about how giving yourself permission to live the life you want is the first step to finding your best future! PsyBlog has an interesting article that demonstrates specific activities to keep your mind sharp. 4 Funky Mind Hacks That Reduce Errors, Boost Attention and Memory, written by Dr. Jeremy Dean, cites studies that show why these activities are relevant and effective. And in Shawn Achor's book, Before Happiness, he shows how a positive mindset is the best predictor of motivation and performance in the workplace. I'll say it forever...everyone is so proud of being so "busy"...But Are You Making Any Money? Don't be too busy to focus! Be positive and watch your business improve!

Check out the summary of last week's business tips and motivational quotes from my Instagram page which you hopefully got to see in real time! If not, let's make sure we're following each other on Instagram!! is this week's roundup of Instagram images of My Top Business Tips and Motivational Quotes.

Positive Mindset – Tip #1:

Positive Mindset = Positive Results! Small business coach Marley Majcher shares thoughts to improve your business with a positive mindset from some of her favorite authors (including herself)! Check it out at @henleyco @goodthinkinc #NicoleMatthews #ShawnAchor #psyblog - Marley's 2nd quote image

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"Meet your customers where they are. Give them what they want, when they want it. Period." Taking a positive approach to meeting your customers' needs – giving them what they want – will ultimately be good for your business and your reputation.

Positive Mindset – Tip #2:

Positive Mindset = Positive Results! Small business coach Marley Majcher shares thoughts to improve your business with a positive mindset from some of her favorite authors (including herself)! Check it out at @henleyco @goodthinkinc #NicoleMatthews #ShawnAchor #psyblog - Quote from Nicole Matthews image

Love this? Pin it to your Motivation Board.

"There will come a day when you open your mouth and let your heart speak. That day will change everything."

Positive Mindset – Tip #3:

Positive Mindset = Positive Results! Small business coach Marley Majcher shares thoughts to improve your business with a positive mindset from some of her favorite authors (including herself)! Check it out at @henleyco @goodthinkinc #NicoleMatthews #ShawnAchor #psyblog - Marley's quote image

Love this? Pin it to your Quotes Board.

"Value comes from believing in yourself."

Positive Mindset – Tip #4:

Positive Mindset = Positive Results! Small business coach Marley Majcher shares thoughts to improve your business with a positive mindset from some of her favorite authors (including herself)! Check it out at @henleyco @goodthinkinc #NicoleMatthews #ShawnAchor #psyblog - quote from Dr. Jeremy Dean image

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"Stare at a grassy rooftop to reduce errors." Taking a 40 second break to glance at a grassy rooftop boosts concentration and reduces mental errors.

Positive Mindset – Tip #5:

Positive Mindset = Positive Results! Small business coach Marley Majcher shares thoughts to improve your business with a positive mindset from some of her favorite authors (including herself)! Check it out at @henleyco @goodthinkinc #NicoleMatthews #ShawnAchor #psyblog - quote from Shawn Achor image

Love this? Pin it to your Quotes Board.

"Silence the fear that you will fail."

Do you have a positive mindset? I want YOUR stories on how overcoming your issues changed your business!

So, what do you think? Can a positive mindset produce positive results? Obviously I think so! But I realize it's not always easy to get there. First, we have to overcome our issues: doubt, fear, bad habits. If you can do that, it can be so worth it! Which tips above did you find helpful? What are your thoughts on becoming profitable? I would LOVE to hear from you!

Anyhoo...I publish these business tips and motivational quotes to get you fired up for your work week! And, if you want more business tips, get my book, But Are You Making Any Money? or contact me to really take your business to the next level!

xoxo M