Top Attitude Attributes For Success (Part 1)

Top Attitude Attributes For Success (Part 1)

Success for small-business owners and entrepreneurs relies heavily on attitude. While knowledge, skill, and talent are essential, it's your mindset that often sets you apart. Passion fuels your drive, trustworthiness builds solid relationships, and flexibility keeps you agile. Don't let fear of failure paralyze you—learning from mistakes is key. Timely decision-making is crucial, and remember, your health is your greatest asset. Stay balanced and energized, and you'll see your business thrive. Stay tuned for more insights tomorrow!

What's important to the success of small-business owners and entrepreneurs? Knowledge, skill and talent.

However, many competitors have the same traits you do. The key to beating the competition and achieving success is mental, reflected in one's attitude, totally controlled by the individual and requires no cash. This holds true in most human endeavors besides business — in sports, the arts and politics.

How many times have we seen the underdog team or player win over the more talented opponent? The difference is often attitude.

These 12 attitude attributes can put you in the right mindset for achieving entrepreneurial success.

1. Have passion for your business
Work should be fun. Your passion will help you overcome difficult moments and persuade people to work for you and want to do business with you. Passion can't be taught. When it wanes, as it surely will in difficult times, take some quiet time. Whether it be an hour or a week, take inventory of all the reasons you started the business and why you like being your own boss. That should renew your passion.

2. Set an example of trustworthiness
People have confidence in trustworthy individuals and want to work for them in a culture of integrity. The same is true for customers.

3. Be flexible, except with core values
It's a given that your plans and strategies will change as time goes on. This flexibility for rapid change is an inherent advantage of small over large business. However, no matter the pressure for immediate profits, do not compromise on core values.

4. Don't let fear of failure hold you back
Failure is an opportunity to learn. All things being equal, venture capitalists would rather invest money in an individual who tried and failed founding a company than in someone who never tried.

5. Make timely decisions
It's okay to use your intuition. Planning and thought are good. But procrastination leads to missed opportunity.

6. The major company asset is you
Take care of yourself. Your health is more valuable than the most expensive machinery or computer software for the company. You don't have to choose between your family or your company, play or work. Maintain your health for balance and energy, which will, in turn, enhance your mental outlook.

Tune in tomorrow for the rest of this list!