Oscar Week: Top Biz Tips From The Movies

Oscar Week: Top Biz Tips From The Movies

Small business coach Marley Majcher is The Profit Goddess! She shares some of the top business tips we can learn fro the movies.

Ha! And you thought you were going to the movies just for the entertainment factor!

The Profit Goddess Logo Image with Money Bag and Pencil

Thousands of movies are made around the world each year. The film industry produces endless hours of entertainment in a variety of genres: horror, comedy, drama, documentary and animation just to name a few. It is an industry with budgets and revenue so enormous that they could wipe out our national debt. On the contrary there are independent films operating on a shoestring budgets and brown bag lunch breaks. Both of which, by the way, have the same odds of producing a box office blockbuster or a straight to DVD flop. Go figure.

Why do you go to the movies?

Whether you go to the movies to escape real life, to snuggle up with your date or to eat the irresistible bucket of popcorn...undoubtedly you are looking to be entertained. Movies give us a reason to laugh out loud, help us get out a good cry, and they can even challenge our critical thinking when trying to piece a drama or mystery together. I mean really, did you get Inception the FIRST time you watched it?

No matter what YOUR reason is for going to the movies, I bet you never said to yourself, "Self, let's go to the movies to get some good business tips!". It'd sure be a lot easier on the bank account if we could pay the $15 or $20 to get some business training from a film rather than paying some of the exorbitant speaker and conference fees that are out there! Are they comparable? Not in real life...but this is Hollywood, baby!

Top 5 Business Tips From This Year's Best Picture Nominees:

  1. Don't be afraid to negotiate.
    (The Bridge of Spies)
  1. Always be prepared.
    (The Revenant)
  1. "Start where you are, use what you have, it will be enough."
  1. Don't give up just because someone tells you something is impossible.
    (The Bridge of Spies)
  1. Believe in yourself, no matter what.
    (The Revenant)

Let’s face it, most of us don’t watch the Oscars to improve our businesses, but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn a little something while we kick back and relax, right?

See the full list of Oscar nominations 2016 here! Enjoy the show!

What Business Tips Have You Learned From Your Favorite Movies?

Tell us in the comments below!

xoxo M