More Money. Less Work. Possible?

More Money. Less Work. Possible?

Explore a smarter way to achieve success without the exhaustion. Discover practical strategies that not only increase your income but also save you time. Learn how confidently asking for what you're worth and making strategic choices can streamline your business into a well-oiled, money-making machine. This isn't a fairytale; it's your potential reality with some smart tweaks to your daily routine.

Oh, yes. Possible, feasible, and even obtainable, with a little tweaking here and twisting there. Who says success only comes after exhaustion? Someone must have since this is how we generally do business. We work until we collapse. Then we jolt ourselves with a heavy dose of caffeine and are back at it again.

It may be the only way we see ourselves surviving. But what if there was a better way? And what if that way made us more money? And what if, while making us more money, it also saved us time? Cinderella was a fairytale. This is not.

There are two areas that, with a minor or major overhaul, can start opening your daily schedule.

Breathe deep. This is all within your grasp.

First, you ask for what you need. And don’t flinch.

For an entrepreneur, this is one of the most difficult tasks – asking for money. You need it. You want it. But asking for it with confidence takes almost more acting power than we possess. That’s okay. All you need is a good script and time to run your lines. Write out how you present your price. Actually create the dialogue. Include in your script
that the actor repeats these lines with confidence. Then do just that. Repeat those lines. Do it over and over and over until looking your client in the face and giving them the rate you want is like second nature. No rapid eye blinks. No facial ticks. No hesitation. This is you asking for what you are worth. You can do this.

Second, you make better choices for your time. It’s harder than you think. Making better choices sounds simple enough, but it will take some strategizing. You have so many demands on your time. Beyond the actual work of your business, there are networking groups, business lunches, social media updates, emails to answer, and web
surfing that sucks you in.

All of these things can be effective in growing your business. But that’s the question, are they growing your business?
Track your time for an entire week. Write down how you spend every hour toward your business. Where is it going? And is that productive? When you went to that networking group, did you get referrals? When you attended that business lunch, did you get any new clients? When you blogged and tweeted, did you get business inquiries? And did they lead to actual clients?

Don’t accept the premise that all businesses require all these outside activities. Your business might. Or it might not. Stick with what is bringing you the business you want and erase all else from your schedule.

This is how we streamline our business until it’s a well-oiled money making machine.

Fix yourself a fruity drink. Things are about to get easier.

Like this? Why don't you meet me at Disney World. For a Release Your Brilliance Weekend with Simon T. Baily this September 8-11th at Walt Disney World Swan & Dolphin Resort in Orlando, FL.