Managing your Business: How to Be the Best!

Managing your Business: How to Be the Best!

Small business coach Marley Majcher shares how to be the best in your marketplace with these 5 terrific tips! After all, she is The Profit Goddess!

How to be the best in your field - you need these 5 tips!

Managing your Business: How to Be the Best!| The Profit Goddess! | Quote Image | #eventprofs #entrepreneur #B2B

Wouldn't it be great if you were singled out as one of the best in your marketplace? If people would come to you for advice on how to manage their business? That they would ask YOU how to be the best?

You've been working so hard in and on your business.  And you know your products and services well.  So you also know that with just a few tweaks, you can rise to the top!  You can figure out just how to become the best in your field.

And I want to hear from YOU!  Which tip do you find the most helpful from those offered below? What is your favorite way to get ahead? Who are the rockstars in YOUR world, and the people that have been influential to you in your quest to become the best?

Anyhoo...I publish these business tips and motivational quotes to get you fired up for your work week!

Check out the summary of last week's business tips and motivational quotes from my Instagram page which you hopefully got to see in real time! If not, let's make sure we're following each other on Instagram!! is the round up of Instagram images of My Top Business Tips and Motivational Quotes.

Tip #1:

Managing your Business: How to Be the Best!| The Profit Goddess! | Quote Image | #smallbiz #eventprofs #entrepreneur #B2B

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"it's like Stephen Covey says– if you don't put the big rocks in the jar first they won't fit in later when the little rocks are taking up all the space."

Related: The Major Company Asset? You!

Tip #2:

Managing your Business: How to Be the Best!| The Profit Goddess! | Quote Image | #smallbiz #eventprofs #entrepreneur #B2B

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"At the end of the day, job costing helps you to figure out exactly which areas of your business are profitable and which aren't."

Tip #3:

Managing your Business: How to Be the Best!| The Profit Goddess! | Quote Image | #smallbiz #eventprofs #entrepreneur #B2B

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"Rent out some of your office space if you've got more than you need, even if it's just on certain days."

Tip #4 (this is KEY in understanding just how to be the best):

Managing your Business: How to Be the Best!| The Profit Goddess! | Quote Image | #smallbiz #eventprofs #entrepreneur #B2B

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"Tracking your time is the single most effective thing you can do to turn your company around and put more money in the bank. Period."

Tip #5:

Managing your Business: How to Be the Best!| The Profit Goddess! | Quote Image | #smallbiz #eventprofs #entrepreneur #B2B

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"It's easy to get seduced by complexity; but there is virtue in simplicity too."

And Just for Laughs...

Managing your Business: How to Be the Best!| The Profit Goddess! | Quote Image | #smallbiz #eventprofs #entrepreneur #B2B

"I found the vodka - it was hiding in the orange juice!"

Sometimes we just need to laugh, right? And maybe have a shot of vodka 😉

The Bottom Line?

Let's keep it simple. What can you do NOW to make a step toward becoming your personal best? Do you need to track your time? Do you need to rent out office space?  Let's think about what course of action we need to take, to improve our lives and our business today!  And when you figure out that next step, let me know what it is -  I would love to hear from you!

xoxo M