Love shebuzz with Liz Dennery Sanders ~ How to Turn Clients into Brand Evangelists

Love shebuzz with Liz Dennery Sanders ~ How to Turn Clients into Brand Evangelists

When it comes to growing their businesses, many entrepreneurs are missing the gold in their own backyards. They are so focused on acquiring new clients, the

When it comes to growing their businesses, many entrepreneurs are missing the gold in their own backyards. They are so focused on acquiring new clients, they neglect to see the in-house sales team right in front of them.

When you turn your clients into evangelists for your brand, you’ll never have to worry about where your next client will come from.

At least 80% of my new clients come via word of mouth. Nine times out of ten, they have been referred to me by a past or current client. My “sales team” is an ever-expanding community of satisfied clients who have achieved substantial results from our work together. Because of this successful track record and because we continue to stay in touch, I am the person they recommend when someone is looking to build their brand and their authority online.

When your clients feel appreciated and understood, their expectations have been exceeded and they like and trust you, they’ll wholeheartedly recommend you to others.

Here are seven ways to turn your clients into brand evangelists:

1. Deliver more than you promise. Always ask yourself, “How can I deliver even more value?” Clients will remember when you exceed their expectations long after you’ve done so. Go above and beyond what’s expected to create a remarkable client experience.

2. Use the element of surprise. A thoughtful gift, a referral, a donation to their favorite charity, an unexpected phone call during a stressful time; these show how much you care. Put this quote in a place where you’ll see it daily, “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.”

3. Give THEM a referral. Never forget that your clients who are in business for themselves are always looking to expand THEIR network. Make gracious introductions and recommend their businesses to others.

4. Let them know you’re open for business. Once a client has experienced winning results from working with you, make sure they know you are open to taking on new clients just like them. Educate your clients regularly on your offerings so that they are prepared to recommend you to others.

5. Remember important occasions. Birthdays, anniversaries and holidays are a great opportunity to connect with clients you haven’t spoken with in a while. It’s also another chance to show them you care.

6. Say thank you – often. When was the last time you thanked a client for their business? You’d be surprised at the power of a hand-written note in today’s fast-paced digital world. Let your clients know how grateful you are to be working with them and it will be returned to you a thousand-fold.

7. Don’t be strictly business. It’s important to make an emotional connection with your clients – one that isn’t created over blueprints and graphs. When you share your passions outside of work (and encourage them to do the same), you build likeability and trust. Include your clients in your life outside of the work environment and they’ll likely do the same.

When you realize that clients aren’t a commodity, but relationships to be treasured, you’ll be well on your way to a full practice and a successful business. © Liz Dennery Sanders 2011

Thank you Liz!

Liz Dennery Sanders wants you to build your brand with style. As the CEO of Dennery Marks Inc., a brand development and celebrity outreach firm, she founded SheBrand, to help female entrepreneurs build powerful personal brands, attract more clients and position themselves as authorities in their industries. You can reach her directly at or