Inspiration Is All About What Brings You Joy!

Inspiration Is All About What Brings You Joy!

Small biz expert & career coach Marley Majcher shares tips on finding your inspiration to be more successful in your business.

I’m asked ALL THE TIME where I get my inspiration from. It’s probably a very gracious way of people asking what’s happening in my head and is everything okay! It might bubble up because I’m so curious about everyone else’s creative process (tell me yours in the comments below!).

Honestly, this blog should probably have been titled, “What Kills Your Inspiration?” Because that comes first and is at the root of all of this.

Inspiration Killers

  • Meetings
  • Typos
  • People who are not kind
  • Manuals (*There is a caveat)
  • Rules (See manuals. Shocker)
  • Constraints

* Manuals (I like to make them, but hate to read them. Following them? Impossible! Except the ones I write!) Have you seen my FREE guide on Becoming An Event Planner? In it, I talk about how to brand yourself, which has a lot to do with inspiration!

Inspiration Is All About What Brings You Joy!

Things That Inspire Me

  • Coffee
  • Color
  • Beautiful magazines and glossy paper
  • The smiles of my children
  • Books (all of them)
  • Finding things I thought were lost
  • Hiking in the morning
  • More coffee (No, I am not over-caffeinated as I write this! Or buzzed! Speaking of which…)
  • Vodka. That very much inspires me, as do most cocktails
  • Ethnic markets for out of the ordinary foods
  • Lack of constraints

I Do What Works For Me! You Should Do What Works For You!

Inspiration Is All About What Brings You Joy!

Photo by Elyana Ivette

Know those “lack of constraints” mentioned above? With each passing year as an entrepreneur, I’ve moved away from trying to conform to business rules about “what works,” what “should” work, and what everyone says works. Because most of the time it doesn’t and it’s very expensive to execute. That’s why I do what works for ME! I work only with clients that I enjoy. I work on projects that bring me fulfillment. I eat what I love (last night that consisted of not one, but TWO donuts with frosting and sprinkles! oops!) You should do the same! If you’re not passionate about a project or a client, pass on them and seek out the things that excite you!

It’s Okay To Go Rogue!

There are too many normal people out there. So, you, my darlings, now that you’re a part of my inner world of mischief and innovation should embrace the freedom to be as crazy and unique as you choose to be! Take it from yours truly, that’s where you’ll find your inspiration!

For more business tips and career advice, check out these other awesome articles or contact me if you’re thinking about starting your own business and want support from someone who’s been there, and done that!

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