In Just One Minute

In Just One Minute

Discover how much data is generated online in just one minute! From 200 million emails to $83,000 in Amazon sales, the flow of information is staggering. Learn more at

In Just One Minute

According to, as millions of new Internet users log on every month, the numbers relating to the flow of information becomes ever more staggering. An infographic from analytics software provider Domo, attempts to quantify just how much data is generated in one minute online.

First thing’s first: Email is still a dominant sharing tool. Internet users send more than 200 million emails every minute. Searching Google is the second most-popular activity on the Web with more than four million queries every 60 seconds.

Surprise, surprise: Facebook holds dominion when it comes to social networks, with users posting nearly 2.5 million pieces of content. YouTube users upload a staggering 72 hours of content, while Twitter users tweet 277,000 times, and Vine users shared 8,333 clips. WhatsApp users share 347,222 photos, which actually beats Instagram, where there are only 216,000 new photos shared per minute.

Internet users also seem to love the same things online as they do offline: shopping, music and dating. For good or ill, Tinder users swipe 416,617 other users, Pandora users listen to more than 60,000 hours of music and Amazon makes $83,000 in online sales.

So what do you think? Give me your comments and feedback below. And, oh, by the way, don't forget to tell a friend if you like what you see! xo