How to Make 2012 Your Best Year Yet

How to Make 2012 Your Best Year Yet

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2012! How to make 2012 your best year yet (New Years Resolutions for Business Owners) Before the holiday season, end of year repo

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2012!

How to make 2012 your best year yet

(New Years Resolutions for Business Owners)

Before the holiday season, end of year reports, projects and the overall craziness takes over, take time now to plan for next year.

1. Put down the eggnog

Instead of coasting to the end of the year, plan now for next year. Plan an all company strategy session. If you have employees, schedule time to plan for next year. Map out your strategy for your clients and for building your business. Have it written and ready to go before the new year.

- Have an agenda and stick with it – include brainstorming time and listen to their ideas – this will also get your staff invested in your company and its goals

- Divide staff in teams or groups to tackle different tasks and will build cooperation and camaraderie.

- Celebrate with a spa day or dinner out

2. Cleanliness is next to Godliness

Once a month, purge and merge. That means clean out files, clean the shelves, the drawers – from top to bottom. Do this once a month and start fresh – and avoid big cleaning jobs later

Once a week – take 30 to 60 minutes to organize your desk and clear it of any clutter – only have the items needed to complete the task you are working on at that moment

3. Vow once and for all to get crystal clear about your ideal client

Spend some time and write it down. Really paint a picture of who he or she is. Create that profile so you can target that client. Make a list of all clients and see which ones really fit that profile. Then make a list of prospects – including that dream client you want to land. See which prospects fit the profile and create a plan to work with them

4. Vow to fall in love with your business

It can be as simple as writing down the pros and cons. Then accept at some point we all get a little burned out.

Figure out what about your business – your office etc. makes you happy, focused and productive.

Use your other senses - It can be something as simple as fresh flowers, a new screen saver, a scented candle that keep you positive and fresh. Little things CAN make a big difference.


5. Make 2012 the year you are a cash flow king or queen -

Take a hard look at your time and money – look at how you spent your time and money for 2011 and create a cash flow forecast for 2012. This allows you to be on top off how quickly you bring the money in and how quickly you bring it out so you have a strategy and a plan so down the road you can avoid or prepare for cash flow crunches.

- Anticipate client deposits, retainer checks

- Write down all bills and expenses and when they are due

- Based on when the money is coming in- that is when you decide how to pay your bills and when you could run out of money

Your business and your life run more smoothly when you pay your bills on time