How To Get Press, What I Learned from Tory Johnson

How To Get Press, What I Learned from Tory Johnson

This week, I had the exciting opportunity to film three TV segments—one for MSNBC and two for Fox (national). Thanks to Tory Johnson’s Media Mania event, I landed the Fox gig and learned something valuable about persistence and seizing opportunities. After wrapping up my initial segment, I asked the producer if he'd like to tape an additional one while we were still set up. He agreed, and we quickly filmed a second segment on the spot. The takeaway? Always be prepared, follow up, and take chances when they arise—you never know how it might pay off!

This past week I had the amazing opportunity to film three tv segments - 1 for MSNBC and 2 for Fox (national.) I learned something important and decided to share it on the wall of the true Press Goddess, Tory Johnson (the best Good Morning America contributor around!). Thanks to her and her Media Mania event a couple of weeks ago, I landed the Fox gig. It made me want to sure something key that I learned. Here's my note to Tory. (Please excuse the not-so-great-writing as I'm still a little punchy from my travels.) 🙂

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Hi Tory! Just wanted to give your Media Mania peeps a couple of good tips I learned this week. Got super lucky after a lot of follow up with Fox national (met in NYC with you a couple of weeks ago). Went in on Thurs to tape a segment about being efficient with your time, etc. Segment went well and as we wrapped up, I asked the producer if he "would like me to tape an extra segment?" since he already had the camera guy there, he was there and I was in full blown makeup excitement. He looked a little startled but was like "sure, what do you have?" I pitched him a few ideas on the spot, one of them being Halloween tips and tricks. He was like, ok, let's give it a shot. I jotted down a couple of notes and said, let's go. Again, he was a little startled, but I have practiced this stuff so many times I could've done it in my sleep.

Five minutes later we had completed another segment to air in the next few weeks.

The message? Persistence. You've got to be prepared, follow up and then keep pushing. On a lark I decided to seize the opportunity and it paid off big time. Hope your peeps can use these tips and thank you so much again for the amazing Media Mania experience. xo M