How to Develop a Website: Must-Have Features

How to Develop a Website: Must-Have Features

Small business coach Marley Majcher is The Profit Goddess! Guest blogger Jay Rau shares 50 must have features on how to develop a website!

50 Features Your Small Business Website Needs to Have!

As my tribe knows, I am always on the lookout for amazing content and super cool tips and tricks. Combine that with my super challenging ADHD and you know that infographics make complicated subjects (like how to develop a website!) that much easier to digest for me - maybe for you too?

Check out the data below on how to develop a website that our friend, Jay Rau from 99MediaLab, created especially for us at The Profit Goddess! to go with the plan on his infographic.

Jay Shares:

As a small business owner, the last thing you want to worry about is setting up your website. Sure, you know that you need one, but it can be daunting to actually get it up and running.  You could always hire a professional web designer.  And if you do, you will obviously incur those additional costs.  But whether you hire a designer or decide to give it a shot on your own, you need to know how to develop a website.  Follow the infographic below to give you the features you need!

How to Develop a Website: Must-Have Features| The Profit Goddess! | Inforgraphic | #smallbiz #eventprofs #entrepreneur #B2B

There are a number of features that you had probably already decided to include on your site. The business name/logo and your location and hours of operation.  But did you include a phone number? Did you remember to provide a map or directions to help people find you?

Even if you did remember all of these things, you may not know the optimal place to put them on your webpage. Whether your business is selling custom handbags or providing legal counsel, your company needs an online presence in order to be successful!

And let’s face it: your expertise is in your specialty products and/or services.  It is likely not in web design. You shouldn’t have to stress about having a welcoming, professional, and easy-to-navigate webpage.  Follow the above infographic on then50 features to include (or not include) in your company’s webpage and you’ll be sure to succeed!

The Bottom Line? We want YOUR ideas on how to develop a website!  Did we forget anything?

Let us know in the comments below, and THANKS, JAY!