You Go Girl! Powerful Words By Powerful Women!

You Go Girl! Powerful Words By Powerful Women!

Entrepreneur, small business expert and all around powerful woman Marley Majcher shares reflections on some of the events of 2017 and favorite quotes from some of the powerful women who inspire her.

2017 Was A Remarkable Year For Women! I Am Inspired!

You Go Girl! Powerful Words By Powerful Women! - The Profit Goddess Logo

Happy New Year! 2017 was quite a year and I wonder what this next year will bring. Looking back on the past 12 months, it's hard not to feel inspired by everything we saw in the news. Many women spoke publicly about their experiences in the workplace, and more significantly, they were heard and believed. The year began with a roar, with women's marches held all over the world. Millions of women, men and children assembled peacefully in every major city in unprecedented numbers. And the momentum swelled from there. Regardless of what you think of the events of this year, it's hard to ignore the changes that we're seeing and their significance in history. TIME Magazine actually named the "Silence Breakers" who launched the #MeToo movement as Person of the Year. So I'm starting off the year by paying tribute to some of the powerful women I admire.

No doubt you have women in your life whom you admire. (Maybe you're one of them!) I know I do! Every day, I meet women who are doing amazing things. They're business owners, educators, researchers, volunteers, artists, mothers, care givers, the glue in their family... the glue in so many things they do. And those are just the women I know! Then there are powerful women doing big, truly important things in the world, who are making a difference for future generations of women and girls. I'm quoting some of them this week and I hope you can take inspiration from them!

Be Oh So Quotable This Week!

I always say running a business means the work never ends! Ain't that the truth? I bet your to-do list is a mile long! Make sure that the items at the top of your list are the things that relate to being more profitable. Everyone is so proud of being so "busy"...But Are You Making Any Money? Don't be too busy to focus!

Check out the summary of last week's business tips and motivational quotes from my Instagram page which you hopefully got to see in real time! If not, let's make sure we're following each other on Instagram!! is this week's roundup of Instagram images of My Top Business Tips and Motivational Quotes.

Powerful Women – Tip #1:

You Go Girl! Powerful Words By Powerful Women! | The Profit Goddess!

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"When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful." – Malala Yousafzai

Powerful Women – Tip #2:

You Go Girl! Powerful Words By Powerful Women! | The Profit Goddess!

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"Knowing what must be done does away with fear." – Rosa Parks

Powerful Women – Tip #3:

You Go Girl! Powerful Words By Powerful Women! | The Profit Goddess!

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"You can never leave footprints that last if you are always walking on tiptoe." – Leymah Gbowee

Powerful Women – Tip #4:

You Go Girl! Powerful Words By Powerful Women! | The Profit Goddess!

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"One cannot accomplish anything without fanaticism." – Eva Perón

Powerful Women – Tip #5:

You Go Girl! Powerful Words By Powerful Women! | The Profit Goddess!

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"When I’m tired, I rest. I say, ‘I can’t be a superwoman today.' " – Jada Pinkett Smith

Let's talk! I'd love to hear about some of the powerful women in your life!

Do you know any powerful women who inspire you? Who are some of your favorite role models? I would LOVE to hear from you! Anyhoo...I publish these business tips and motivational quotes to get you fired up for your work week! And, if you want more business tips, get my book, But Are You Making Any Money? or contact me to really take your business to the next level!

Oh by the way, are you searching for easy steps to charge more without losing clients? Learn where you're leaving money on the table and discover simple costs to cut PLUS get productivity tips! And the best part is it's all FREE! Get our Simple Tricks right here!

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xoxo M