Give Thanks...And Give To Others

Give Thanks...And Give To Others

Give Thanks. Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on all that we have. Our children sometimes need to gain a different perspective in order to be able to under

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on all that we have. Our children sometimes need to gain a different perspective in order to be able to understand how lucky they are. Heck, sometimes we need it too!

Here are 5 ways to help those in need while guiding your family through activities that can reinvigorate your soul:

~Sit down with your kids and sort through their toys and books to find things that they can give to children that need them.

~Sort through your kitchen for canned goods and items that you can contribute to a local food pantry.

~Help bake cookies or prepare food to be donated.

~Walk door to door with the family collecting warm jackets and clothing for the needy.

~Go visit residents at a local nursing home. Many of those people have nobody that comes by anymore.

Nothing feels better than taking some time to help those in need. Let's show our families what Thanksgiving is truly about this year.