Exciting Announcement from our friends at Chic CEO!!

Exciting Announcement from our friends at Chic CEO!!

Chic CEO Mastermind is accepting applications! Join a community of ambitious women to grow your business with expert guidance, accountability partners, PR opportunities, and exclusive content. Get support, connections, and insights to take your business to the next level. Apply now and elevate your business!

We have an exciting announcement from our friends at Chic CEO!!

They are taking applications right now to be a part of their new Chic CEO Mastermind. The Chic CEO Mastermind is unlike anything else you've seen before.

We know that you want resources, but what you value is community (we all do). Being able to tap into each other's talents, connections, and strategy is what will catapult your business to the next level.

What is a mastermind? The concept of mastermind was developed by Napolean Hill, the famous author of Think and Grow Rich. Mr. Hill would call a mastermind in his head of some of the best thinkers in the world to work through his problems. People like George Washington, Thomas Edison, Abe Lincoln, and others. He used their collective intelligence to help him overcome his challenges.

That's what they're bringing to you: collective intelligence to further your business.

Chic CEO will be very thorough in evaluating who gets accepted into the Mastermind - so only apply if you are serious about moving the needle in your business. Chic CEO is hand picking the women in the group so that you are surrounded by only amazing, smart and talented women. In tandem, you will be tasked to help the women with your expertise as well. Giving back while moving forward is what it's all about, right sister?!

Here's what you can expect in the Chic CEO Mastermind:

  • Access to other women in the mastermind via our private Facebook Group.

This is one of the single most important parts of this mastermind. Do you need a connection to someone who is an SEO expert or has connections with manufacturers? This is the place to ask. Having a rough time dealing with an employee? This is the place to get advice. The mastermind will be like having an advisory board full of smart, savvy and well-connected women. Not to mention, the Chic CEO team will be active in the group to keep discussions going and find you answers. Research shows that regular peer to peer mentoring and regular interaction with advisors is proven to increase sales, and overall success.

  • Brain Trust. AKA - Business Superheroes.

WOW. Wait until you see who they have in store for you! They've assembled a Brain Trust exclusively for the mastermind members - people who have crushed it in their businesses and will be bestowing their genius to the mastermind. People like Denise Lee Yohn, brand strategist working on projects with Sony, Jack in the Box and other major players; Maneesh Sethi, founder of Hack The System, ultimate hacker of tech, travel and health, he worked on major book launches for Tim Ferriss (4 Hour Workweek) and just bought an island (seriously.); Chris Corriveau, CTO of StockTwits, technical brainchild behind Stocktwits which boasts 6 million users, Deborah Jackson, Marley Majcher and many more brilliant leaders. Chic CEO assembled this group of AMAZING superheroes to do trainings with you, answer your questions and possibly make important introductions. They will have access to the private FB group too, so you might see them pop in and start a discussion!

  • Accountability Partner.

It's like having a personal trainer for your business. We can all go to the gym, but you know you'll go if you have a personal trainer waiting for you! The Chic CEO team will match you up with another woman in the mastermind to keep you accountable and in turn you will help her do the same.

  • PR Opportunities.

Did you know that the Katie Couric Show calls Chic CEO for recommendations on female entrepreneurs to feature? And did you know that Chic CEO has partnered with Dream Big America to help highlight amazing ladies to showcase to their 3.5 million listeners? Ummm cool, right? Well - they’ll only be passing along the women in their mastermind for these once in a lifetime, game-changing press opportunities.

  • Unique Content.

Chic CEO will be bringing you exclusive content that won't be available to the public - only to the mastermind members. This allows you to gain a competitive edge as you progress.

  • Pitch Review.

Are you looking for investors? If so, you are going to need some advice and feedback on your pitch deck. Chic CEO will have your pitch presentation reviewed for you so you are ready to rock when you are seeking funding.

  • Investor Introductions.

If appropriate, and after your pitch review, Chic CEO will introduce you to some of the amazing investors they know. They pass along really cool opportunities when they come up - your's could be next. Even though there are no guarantees here, sister, they’ve done the leg-work building their network so that they can share with you.

  • The Chic CEO Mastermind is packed full of value - this is just the start.  

But here's the most important thing about the mastermind: They guarantee that if you have a question - they will find you the answer. PERIOD. Chic CEO was founded on finding answers for you and will continue to deliver on this promise, whatever it takes. Think of this mastermind as your business partner.

We KNOW you are ready to kick your business into high-gear, we KNOW you can do it, and we KNOW that the Chic CEO Mastermind will get you there.

Apply here.

The Chic CEO Mastermind is for you if:

1. You are ready to start earning more money

2. You don't want to waste time pursuing an idea that you aren't sure will work

3. You are looking for a group of smart, well connected women to learn from

4. You are willing to work hard, but could really use some support and new ideas

5. You want to have access to people who have "been there, done that"

6. You are feeling a bit stuck and could use some outside advice and insight

7. You are ready to help other women with their challenges

Think about what a change it would make in your business just to have a bit of help, a fresh idea, a connection to potential new clients or retailers? What would that mean for you?

Think about what a change it would make in your business to uncover a new insight that leads to a highly profitable new revenue stream? Then imagine everyone in the group is so excited for you that they spread the word to their networks about your new idea, product or program?

Think about what a change it would make in your business to listen in on a training with someone like Marley Majcher who tells you how she charges twice as much an hour than everyone else in her industry, because she’s worth it - and tells you how to do it as well?

Think about what a change it would make in your business to be introduced to an investor that not only has the money to help your company move forward, but the expertise to make you world-class?

Think about what a change it would make in your business to help other women with their businesses. A rising tide raises all ships. Onward!

The point is - you have an opportunity here to grow your business beyond your wildest dreams and do so alongside sisters with the same mission. It's so much more fun to do it together. The women in the group will be counting on you and routing for your success as much as you will be. You’ve all paid the trainer and now you need to show up for your workout. For $97 a month, you can take your business further than you ever thought possible.

Invest in your own growth as a business owner, thought leader and female entrepreneur. As always, we are here to help you reach your dreams. Apply for the mastermind here.

"Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher." - Oprah Winfrey