Entrepreneurs - 5 Statistics that May Surprise You!

Entrepreneurs - 5 Statistics that May Surprise You!

Marley Majcher, small business strategist & pricing expert in Los Angeles, California, shares unusual business stats with entrepreneurs.

Stats Are Vital for Entrepreneurs...these are fun & useful!

The Profit Goddess

Hot as freaking heylllll it is here in La La Land. Sweet Jesus, this has just got to stop! I'm over it. Done. Want to send the bikini off to the dry cleaner. Ugh.

This week's quotes are from a book I love, Stats and Curiosities from Harvard Business Review. Like business porn!

Anyhoo...I publish these business tips and motivational quotes on Sundays on purpose to get you fired up for the new week!

Check out the whole summary of last week's business tips and motivational quotes from my Instagram page which you hopefully got to see in real time! If not, let's make sure we're following each other on Instagram!! is the weekly roundup of Instagram images of My Top Business Tips and Motivational Quotes.

Top Business Tip #1:


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“When the rule is–pay what you want– almost everyone showed 99.5% of patrons paid.”

Top Business Tip #2:


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“U.S. born are less likely to start businesses as immigrants...50% less likely!” (More from Stats & Curiosities here.)

Top Business Tip #3:


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“Women get a bigger wage boost from exercise...women who exercise frequently earn 11.9% more on average than women who don't.” Kind of the opposite of this.

Top Business Tip #4:


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“Black is the attire of choice for female senior execs...51% typically wear black!”

Top Business Tip #5:


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“Don't believe people who say they work 60 hours a week...people overstate the number of hours they "usually" work by 5%-10%.”

The Bottom Line?

These Top Business Tips & Motivational Quotes I've shared here are all in the book, Stats & Curiosities by Harvard Business Review. We're dying for shortcuts, so tell us YOUR favorite motivational quotes! Please share it in the comments below.

xoxo M