Death By Social Networking

Death By Social Networking

Celebrities like Lady GaGa and Kim Kardashian recently took social media to new heights by declaring their "digital deaths" to raise $1 million for Alicia Keys' Keep a Child Alive charity. Through a clever marketing campaign, they abstained from social media until the goal was met, proving the power of a well-executed plan and showcasing the reach of celebrity influence online.

Celebrities have proven how powerful social networking sites can truly be and how often they are used to reach out to their fans. Recently these powerful celebrities such as, Lady GaGa and Kim Kardashian, took it to a whole new level by claiming their "digital deaths!" Yes, you definitely read that correctly.

Although, these celebs did not truly depart from us, they did disappear from their Twitters and Facebooks on December 1. They had declared to not partake in any social networking sites until $1 million was raised for Alicia Keys' Keep a Child Alive charity.

Kim Kardashian tweeted the day before her "digital death" saying, "I'm kinda' sad that all of my social media will be dead tomorrow and I won't be tweeting. I love u guys! Bring me back to life soon!" Nineteen celebrities went to the extent of having a photo shoot in caskets to remind their followers they have moved to the other side, the side with no social networking. Talk about a morbid marketing scheme!

We should all probably learn something from this though - the power of the Internet and a good marketing plan! Billionaire and philanthropist, Stewart Rahr, offered to match a half million dollars to the charity on December 6 ending the "digital deaths" of several celebrities and starting a new beginning of publicity for Rahr.

Thanks to his charitable contribution he now is well known and featured in People magazine and numerous articles on the web. Ryan Seacrest, who also claimed his "digital death", gave acknowledgment to "Stewie Rah Rah." With a charitable donation and many celebs backing Keep a Child Alive Charity, this may have been the perfect marketing plan for Stewart.


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