Winnie & Seth Godin, Curses - #Day4 #YourTurnChallenge

Winnie & Seth Godin, Curses - #Day4 #YourTurnChallenge

Marley Majcher, small business strategist & pricing expert shares Winnie & Seth Godin, Curses.

Winnie & Seth Godin, Curses - #Day4 #YourTurnChallenge

Dear Winnie,

It's Monday of a holiday weekend and it's not as if I don't work enough already. But, I have to tell you something, you really made a powerful video; a great marketing tool, ultimately, for Seth Godin's blog, but also that hit on so many points. I read the post in the first place because it talked about how you had "failed", or not failed. And haven't we all done that a million times? Made me know, like and trust you. So, for those of you wondering what I'm talking about, click here and see the whole thing for yourself.

Other than trying to make sure I stay on top of this daily blogging thing and keep up with the challenge (and I do see the value in it now that I'm doing it,) I actually want to blog about a real business tip: Ease.

Please Make It Easy For Me To Do Business With You

I can't tell you how many times I've thought: Why are you making it so hard for me, the consumer, to give you money?? (BTW, this has nothing to do with Seth Godin here, this is about every other business; Seth actually makes it very clear how to do business with him.) What do I mean?

  • How many times is someone's website not mobile friendly, which it MUST be these days? We are all looking at a business' website on mobile devices (or a huge chunk of us are) and it's hard to do business with you if we can't see your site in something other than gobbledeegook.
  • How many times do we have to click in one more place in order to place the order, or better yet, scan the whole page for the little tiny, disguised "Buy" button which makes us just give up?
  • How many times is the phone number/email/address/whatever vital information hidden like we're all participating in some kind of a treasure map game?

In my opinion, too often. As businesses, we all have to make it super easy, with as few clicks, and thoughts as possible, to make our customers happy. I'm not saying that you answer your phone 24 hours a day, but it is super helpful to have your Twitter name, Facebook fan page, Instagram moniker and preferred hashtag right out in the open. My goodness, then I actually WANT to give you business and tell the world all about you.

Great example: I've been blogging from a beautiful spot in Montecito, California, called the Biltmore, for the last few days. I was auditing my websites (practicing what I'm preaching, because I realize there are MANY places where I can make it easier for people to do business with us) and keeping up with my blogging challenge simultaneously. While I was in the lounge, uploading photos and enjoying the fabulous service of the Biltmore's bartender for my dinner of one, I asked if I could Instagram a photo of the great food and how happy I was. Daniel, Ty Lounge BT, pointed me straight to the bottom of the menu where all social media information, including HASHTAG - #TyLoungeSB, was prominently displayed. So what did I do? I used it and now I'm sending it out to all of you as a great marketing lesson to poach.

Today's Challenge

How can YOU make it easier for your customers to do business with you, just like the Biltmore has made it VERY easy, fast, and friendly to do business with THEM? Thank you Ty Warner, your people are ON IT.

Nighty night, from #Day4 of the #YourTurnChallenge.

xo M