Creativity Will Get You Everywhere!

Creativity Will Get You Everywhere!

Running a small business can sometimes drain the creative energy you started with as you get caught up in the daily grind of operations and logistics. It's completely normal to feel this way, but the key to reigniting that spark is to intentionally tap into your creative side. Whether it’s something simple like adding a fun touch to your branding—like my decision to add eyelashes to my Mini Goddess car—or brainstorming new ways to innovate, creativity can breathe fresh life into your business. The best part? Once you start, you may discover new directions that could transform your business entirely. So, take a break, tap into that right brain, and watch the magic happen!

Do you ever finding yourself sitting there wondering where all of your creative juices have disappeared? Like so many small business owners out there, you enter the world of being an entrepreneur with high hopes of making your own schedule and being your own boss. The sky is the limit! Visions of creating new and exciting opportunities keep you up at night. The bouts of insomnia are a welcome novelty. It means that things are happening at a rapid and stimulating pace.

After some time, the harsh realities of ALL of the facets of running a business begin to set in. It's inevitable. Suddenly you find yourself spending more time on your cash flow and accounting books than you had ever anticipated. You need to hire an assistant, but couldn't imagine adding another person to the payroll. The list goes on and on and that list is not pretty.

It might help to realize that this happens to all of us! There are ways to escape the monotony of these daily activities or thoughts that can drain us. Get creative.

It sounds so simple but creativity will get you everywhere. Using your right brain every once in a while is not only cathartic, but it can spur you to invent things for your business that could change your direction completely. Here's an example of something creative that I came up with this year.

I decided to add some eyelashes to my Mini Goddess car! A small touch that REALLY stands out. Your creativity juices can start flowing again. All you have to do is take some time out and use your right brain. Try it. I DARE you!