Content Curation...Is It Disruptive?

Content Curation...Is It Disruptive?

What is content curation anyway? According to curation is an active filtering of the...

What is content curation anyway?

According to curation is an active filtering of the web’s infinite content and it may be the most disruptive Internet marketing tactic. Curators do more than simply assign meta value via categorization. Great curators comment and share experience across content, authors and themes.

Curation’s reach advantage, the ability to reach more people faster, is one reason curating should trump creation for most content marketers. Other reasons curation should be important include:

•    Curation is cheaper (more bang for the time / money spent).
•    Curation helps create authority.
•    Authority increases search traffic and revenue.
•    Curation should inform creation.
•    Curation is a great testing ecosystem (feedback is cheap and fast).

To read the full article on content curation and why it's disruptive head to

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