Challenge Yourself With This Quick Weekend Project

Challenge Yourself With This Quick Weekend Project

Ready for a challenge that could change your business? This weekend, create the smallest product possible that still delivers value to your customers. Whether it’s an 8-page report or a 30-minute webinar, make it good enough to pay for but easy to produce. Price it accordingly, offer it as a beta version, and launch it next week. By keeping it simple, you'll avoid overthinking and gain valuable insight into what your audience is willing to pay for. Don’t let analysis paralysis slow you down—take action and learn as you go!

Are you up for a simple challenge that will propel your business in a whole new direction? This weekend, put together the smallest product possible that will deliver a benefit for your customer. It might be an 8-page special report. It might be a 30-minute webinar or teleseminar on a basic concept.

Whatever it is, make it good enough to pay for. (Keep in mind — you want to deliver ten times as much value as you'll charge.) Since it’s going to be a small product, the price will be in line with that.

Not a lot of risk for you, not a lot of risk for your audience. And it’s a priceless way to gather intelligence about what works and what doesn’t. What your audience values enough to pay for, and what they don’t.

Put your new product out for sale next week. If you wait any longer than that, you’ll get sunk in analysis paralysis and a week will turn into three months. Rather than getting it perfect right now, let your audience know it’s a beta version — that you guarantee it will have some flaws.