Are Your Ads Eye-Catching?

Are Your Ads Eye-Catching?

Overwhelmed by trying to come up with the most creative and eye-catching ad? Are you needing to find a new way to attract new customers? The answer may be closer than you

Overwhelmed by trying to come up with the most creative and eye-catching ad? Are you needing to find a new way to attract new customers? The answer may be closer than you think. You can find business ideas everywhere you look.

For instance, as I was looking through the TMZ website last week (it's a guilty pleasure, I admit it!), I noticed a small car insurance ad at the top of the screen. The ad only consisted of 3 simple questions. They were something like:

1. What make and model car do you drive?

2. How old are you?

3. Where is your car usually parked?

After you answer those three questions, you were immediately given an estimate for your car insurance. Consider how many car insurance ads that you are exposed to each week - on the radio, television, and internet. Two key strategies really make this ad campaign successful - it's easy and it's fast.

Use this model for your next advertising campaign. What three questions do you need to ask your prospective customers to be able to quickly get back to them with a price estimate? Make it simple and respond to the customer as quickly as possible with an answer. If you don't, customers will quickly move on and offer the opportunity to your competitor.

Do you have a guilty pleasure when you need a break from the daily grind? Tell us about the website that gives you a mental break and share what your questions would be in the comments.