Are We Working Too Much?

Are We Working Too Much?

Blog content provided by Barbara Weltman, Publisher of Big Ideas for Small Business ® Recent surveys show that small business owners are working harder than

Blog content provided by Barbara Weltman, Publisher of Big Ideas for Small Business®

Recent surveys show that small business owners are working harder than ever during this recession to keep their businesses afloat. Discover Small Business Watch reports that owners are working longer hours and longer work weeks and taking little or no vacation, in part due to the economy.

In fact, 39% say they work more than 10 hours a day, compared with just 30% last year (and only 20% of average workers). When it comes to working six or seven days a week, 61% admit to doing so now, up from 45% last year (and only 22% of average workers).

Summer vacation? According to the American Express OPEN Small Business Monitor, while the number of owners planning to take at least a week off this summer is about the same as last year (56% compared to 59% in 2008), 28% link their vacation to business to save time and money.

In a down economy, it may be time for owners to reassess priorities and mind their health. Slow down and take time off to recharge yourself and be poised to leap when the recovery occurs.