A Toast to Ideal Clients...6 Tips For Attracting the Right People!

A Toast to Ideal Clients...6 Tips For Attracting the Right People!

Attracting the ideal client is key to maintaining passion for your business, and it starts with setting boundaries and making smart, intentional decisions. Saying “no” when needed, being willing to take risks, and investing in both your business and education are critical steps to long-term success. Consistency and organization help create systems that work for you, while prioritizing what truly matters—like building new client relationships—ensures your time is spent wisely. If you’re not already applying these principles, now’s the time to reassess and make sure you're aligned with clients who fit your vision.

I think it's safe to say that we've all been through that moment when we realize that the client that we've just "landed" might not be the right fit for us. Oh what a huge bummer that can be.

That's why you have to take specific steps to attract and maintain a client list that is ideal for you. After all, you did start your business because you actually liked it, right? Here are my 6 Tips for getting the ideal client...which means continuing to love what you do!:

1. You have to say “no.” You cannot say “yes” to every blasted thing under the sun. Make your “yeses” count.  Stop being a martyr. You can’t handle everything on your own.

2. You have to be willing to take a risk.  Step out of the box and say, "I’m going to do things differently because I don’t like the results that I've been getting".

3. Invest in your company! Don’t think that you can invest pennies and see big results!  Invest in your education and gain knowledge in every single aspect of your business.

4. Be consistent. We need to become disciplined and stick with it. Take the time, capital, and research that it takes to build a business and create marketing plans and systems.  Then, USE THEM! You have to decide to do the heavy lifting once if you maintain what you put in place. Create a system and have it work for you.

5. Prioritize. Getting new clients and pricing out your proposals are more of a priority versus just doing things to check off on your to-do list.

6. Get organized!  Trust me, if your life is a mess, every aspect of your life, including your business, will feel out of your control. Clean things up and your tasks will feel manageable.

Although we've barely scratched the surface, it's important to start simple with my top 6 tips and move forward from there. What have you been doing in order to attract your ideal has it all been working for you?