7 Tips for Staying Motivated

7 Tips for Staying Motivated

As an entrepreneur facing potential burnout, reignite your motivation with these tips: Write and read daily a detailed vision of your dream business, remember why you left your worst job, break tasks into manageable pieces, stop comparing yourself to others, find quick ways to boost cash flow, engage in activities you love within your business, and connect with fellow entrepreneurs in supportive groups. These strategies can help maintain your drive and focus on achieving your business goals.

When you’re an entrepreneur, you’re often burning the candle at both ends. Sometimes you don’t see the financial returns as quickly as you’d like. And it’s not uncommon for your family and closest friends to have not even the slightest clue what you’re going through. By now you’ve realized that business isn’t all about freedom, glitz, and glamour. You’ve noticed it can be downright boring and tedious some days.

This is a recipe for burn out, my friend. And it's so common it's like an epidemic. So if you notice your motivation slipping away, you’re not alone.

Listen, you want to make this thing work. You want your business to be a big success. Otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this blog. But to do this, you’ll have to keep your frustrations at bay and hop on the motivation party bus with me.

Here are 7 tips you can use to stay motivated:

1. Write Your Vision & Read it Daily

Writing a big crazy out-there vision of exactly what your absolute dream business looks like is a powerful motivational exercise. I’m talking a no holds barred, ridiculous, outrageously big dream vision of the ideal business for you. Write it as if you’ve already achieved it, as if you’re already there. Go into every nitty - gritty detail of an ideal day-in-the life. When you’re done, print it out and keep it in an easily accessible place on your desk. And read it every day. Not just the days you’re feeling down. Every single day. This way, you’ll remember what you’re working toward.

2. Write Your Day From Hell & Read it When You Need It

Remember that job you really hated? The one that made you walk away and start your own business? Even if you liked your job – remember that creeping, almost suffocating feeling that made you want to break out on your own? Capture it in a snapshot of your worst day ever, written down like a journal entry. Put it in your desk, under your vision. On days when you just want to throw in the towel, pull it out and read it as a reminder that you’re better off building your own business.

3. Break It Down Into Smaller Pieces

Whatever it is that feels big and overwhelming in the moment, break it down into small, bite-sized, easily digestible chunks. Big goals, daunting projects, mundane tasks – they’re all a lot easier to handle when you don’t allow yourself to get buried. Make each finish line close enough to see, and reward yourself as you reach each tiny goal.

4. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Let me say it again. Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop it. We all do it, and it’s ridiculously unproductive. Comparing yourself to other people can be the biggest motivation zapper out there. I think it starts off innocently enough – we’re looking for motivation, but then it quickly spirals into feeling sorry for ourselves. You don’t know that person’s story. You don’t know what she’s been through or how she got there. Focus on your own successes, no matter how small, and build from there. Every time your thoughts start drifting to Miss. Suzy Perfect, look in the mirror and tell yourself you’re good enough, smart enough... and whatever else Stuart Smalley used to say on SNL.

5. Make Some Money

Being short on cash flow can drain all the motivation juices out of anyone. It’s not easy to keep going with a smile on your face when you don’t know how you’re going to pay your bills, or when you’ll be able to finally contribute to your family’s income. If you’re short on cash because you’re focused on big projects with paydays somewhere far off in the horizon, pause for a moment. Sometimes you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do. Find a way for a quick cash infusion into your business. Reach out to your network for consulting opportunities or host a simple workshop. Do something to bring in some money right away, and you’ll feel a lot better.

6. Do Something You Love

When you’re feeling particularly stuck, set the tedious stuff aside and do something related to your business that you enjoy. Set aside the books and write a blog post, set aside the writing and make follow-up phone calls, put down the phone and sketch a new design. Just a few moments of the things that energize you most in your business will offset the drudge of doing what you hate.

7. Get Connected

I saved the most important piece for last. It’s critical that you join a networking group, mastermind, coaching program, or some other structured organization of like-minded entrepreneurs who experience similar struggles. There’s nothing like the comfort of knowing you’re not alone in this. Your fellow entrepreneurs will get those motivation juices flowing again in no time.

I’d love to know your favorite tips for staying motivated. What do you do to keep your spirits up and keep pushing forward in your business?