5 Ways To Stop Wasting Your Most Valuable Resource

5 Ways To Stop Wasting Your Most Valuable Resource

Stop Wasting Your Most Valuable Resource. Putting on your big girl pants can be scary, but if you want your business to thrive instead of merely survive you have to take control. 

Putting on your big girl pants can be scary, but if you want your business to thrive instead of merely survive you have to take control.

Every day, multiple times a day, I see small business owners everywhere squandering their most valuable resource: Time. It’s even more valuable than money. Why? Because you can never get it back. Ever. Money, fine, make more. Time, never. Impossible. And I hate the word impossible. Don't you?

5 Hidden Time Sucks You Should Stop Doing TODAY:

  1. Posting on any social media without a written, measurable plan about what your end game is – unless it’s purely for fun.
  2. Trolling on Facebook (Twitter, etc) without a purpose. Don’t worry about what the neighbors are doing. Who cares. Focus on YOU and your goals.
  3. Doing ANYTHING without knowing exactly what outcome you’re after. If you can’t clearly state that you want to send your ezine to 100 people and get 5 fresh leads, stop doing it.
  4. Checking email first thing in the morning. Instead, guard the first hour of your day for your highest producing tasks.
  5. Starting any new week without knowing exactly what success by Sunday would look like. A clean email box? 2 new customers? 2 ezines written? Get specific. So what do you think? Give me your comments and feedback below. And, oh, by the way, don't forget to tell a friend if you like what you see! xo