5 Ways to Fatten Your Bottom Line!

5 Ways to Fatten Your Bottom Line!

Many business owners hit a point where they feel stuck and far from their goals, but there are simple ways to turn things around and bring in revenue. Start by collecting email addresses and reaching out through platforms like Constant Contact to engage your audience. Additionally, reconnect with past clients and vendors, as well as potential clients, to update your database and explore new opportunities. Collaborating with vendors on promotional gifts, embracing social media, and blogging can rejuvenate your brand while allowing you to have fun in the process!

Okay, so… Many of us wake up in the middle of our business feeling hopeless and maybe even a little bit foolish. We realize that we are far from accomplishing our goals laid out in our business plan and dreams. We began with a passion and got lost along the way. Believe me, I know where you are coming from. I have been there, I have done that, and I almost keeled over because of it. After much trial and error, I came up with ways to fatten up your bottom line and get money in the door when needed.

#1 Start collecting email addresses, make a list, and get in contact with them!

It sounds simple, but many people neglect to do this and pay dearly for it. Make some time this week to sign up for something like Constant Contact or MyEmma and send out an ezine to all of your email addresses. You won't believe the difference that it will make in your business.

#2 Make a list of all of your past clients, vendors who could refer you business and potential clients.

Pick up that phone and start dialing for dollars. Call all of your past clients and update your database. There is no time better than now!

#3 Come up with a treat. Partner up with another vendor and send out gifts.

You would be very surprised at how many vendors are actually elated to partner up with you on gifts. It gets their name out there and lessens the load when it comes to advertising. They also become introduced to a whole new set of peeps!

#4 Get Online! Start Blogging and using Social Media.

There's no denying that social media is here to stay. If you haven't already started a blog and incorporated social media into your set of tools, it's time to get started. You need to take advantage of every single form of communication you can find to get your message out there.

#5 Have fun with it!

Getting back in touch with old contacts should be enjoyable. Using your right brain to create things like blogs and social media posts can also be a great break from the norm. It truly should be fun!