5 Intriguing Business Facts You Might Not Believe

5 Intriguing Business Facts You Might Not Believe

Marley Majcher, small business strategist & pricing expert in Los Angeles, California, shares fascinating business facts that will make you stop and think.

These business facts can say PLENTY about YOUR business practices and priorities!

It's no secret that technology has ramped up multitasking, response time and accessibility in business today. While there are so many advantages to having the world at our fingertips, the more we are consumed or distracted by the pinging and dinging of email, texts and notifications the less we are aware of what is going on around us and in our companies. With a shift in our awareness, comes a shift in priorities and perspective.

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These quotes are from a great article, 57 Fascinating Business Facts That Will Blow Your Mind by Jessica Misener, from BuzzFeedNews. Each one is powerful in its statement. I challenge you to read through them and to consider what it says about our world. Ask yourself how these facts can relate to you in your business. Do your priorities align with your business goals and do your business practices reflect those priorities? Are there changes you can make that can significantly effect your profit? Are you mindful with your communications through technology?

You can find more business tips and motivational quotes on my Instagram page which you hopefully got to see in real time! If not, let's make sure we're following each other on Instagram!! is the roundup of Instagram images of My Top Business Tips and Motivational Quotes.

Business Fact #1:

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“ employees spend two days every two years working at the customer service desk — even the CEO — in order to help all workers understand the customer service process.”

Business Fact #2:

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“If you have $10 in your pocket and no debts, you are wealthier than 25% of Americans.”

Business Fact #3:

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“More people in the world have mobile phones than toilets.”

Business Fact #4:

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“Changing the U.S. $1 bill for a $1 coin would save the U.S. $4.4 billion in 30 years.”

Business Fact #5:

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“Everything you say to Siri is sent to Apple, analyzed, and stored.”

The Bottom Line?

So what do you think? Did these business facts I've shared from the BuzzFeedNews article, 57 Fascinating Business Facts That Will Blow Your Mind, resonate with you? We all learn from each other, so tell us YOUR favorite business fact or something you've learned while building your business! Please share it in the comments below.

Oh by the way, are you desperate to get off that hamster wheel? Join our FREE 7-Day Pricing Challenge and receive 7 daily emails jam packed full of pricing tips and tricks!

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