5 Important Time Management Tips

5 Important Time Management Tips

Time management is a challenge that almost every entrepreneur faces, but by taking control and setting boundaries, you can drastically improve your productivity. Start by analyzing how you spend your time, control distractions like email, and prioritize the most important tasks each day. Establish routines by batching tasks and trimming the "time suckers" that hinder your focus, allowing you to streamline your efforts for maximum impact.

If I were to name one topic that almost every business coaching client of mine needs improvement in, it would be time management. In fact, I've never met a soul who has claimed that they couldn't use at least a little bit of help in that department. Here are 5 ways you can work on your own time management:

1. Take control of your time

The first step is to really look at how you are spending your time each day. To do this begin by writing it down. In the same way people are told to keep a food diary when they want to lose weight, keep track of how you spend every minute and do it for at least two weeks. Record every phone call, meeting, lunch, coffee meeting, drive time etc

Then determine your Return on Investment for meetings, calls etc. and adjust so you are spending the most time on the items that give you the biggest return

For example – can a lunch be a coffee, can a coffee be a call? Don’t let others suck your time away – stay focused – which leads us to number two – which can be an all-consuming task

2. Take control of email once and for all!

Make 2012 the year you take control of one of the biggest challenges everyone – especially business owners face – keeping email in check. Vow to check your email only twice a day – period, end of story. And when you do it, set a time limit and sit down and create a list of responses:

- Read and file

- Read and respond

- Mark to read and answer later

- Delete


Create files for each vendor, client, prospect, etc. and file the email once you have read it.

Once a month, set aside 2 hours to clean out email – organize, archive or delete

Have a separate email address to handle personal issues with family, personal interests etc.

By having a regularly scheduled time and system, you eliminate the constant checking of email which hurts focus and the ability to get important tasks completed.

3. Prioritize each day

Start every day by listing the six most important things you can do for the day. Do not do anything else until those six things are done. This should not be the six most annoying items or items someone else says are urgent, they are the six most important goals to help you achieve your business goals, whether it is calling a prospect or finishing a project for a client.

Write your goals down the night before or first thing in the morning

4. Batch your tasks each week

This is one of the best time management tools around. Set a schedule and determine certain days when you do certain activities and stick with that as best as possible.

For example –

Monday – Office day - handle employee meetings, issues, pay bills, sign checks – then work on client tasks

Tuesday – Work on pre-determined client project work in office – No external meetings or lunches

Wednesday and Friday - Client meeting days

Thursday – Business development days – tasks, calls and meetings that center around building your business


If a client says to you “I need to see you Tuesday” and it must happen, then switch your days for that week

The goal is to stack the deck in your favor – you are never going to have 100 percent. If you see that clients only want to meet on Tuesdays, then switch your schedule.

Bottom line is to build a framework and adjust when big needs arise such as a client needing something immediately

5. Trim the suckers

Take a hard look at the three biggest “time suckers” in your life and resolve to take control

o Employees interrupting to ask constant questions that aren’t urgent

o The friend who calls in the middle of the day “to chat”

o The client who pays you very little and takes a lot of your time

Once you determine them – take steps to resolve them. For example, set aside specific times for employee issues and empower them to resolve issues on their own

Schedule friend time outside of your work time and stick with it – that is why you have voicemail

Review clients – and get rid of the ones who are not worth the time and money

To quote Albert Einstein – “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler”