5 Business Take-Aways from Cabo San Lucas

5 Business Take-Aways from Cabo San Lucas

Business Take-Aways from Cabo San Lucas. Whether you may believe it or not, we actually did accomplish a few things while relaxing in Cabo the other week. In fact, because of the fact that we were so happy and free from 

Whether you may believe it or not, we actually did accomplish a few things while relaxing in Cabo the other week. In fact, because of the fact that we were so happy and free from distraction, we may have discovered even more than usual.

Business Take Aways from Cabo:
* Business is all widgets, really. Whether you're in Mexico or the US or Australia, we all have similar challenges.

* My 5 keys to a profitable business are:
1) A continuous flow of new business. There's always a certain amount of attrition with customers so just make sure you're constantly adding new ones into the funnel.
2) The ability to close 100% of the RIGHT customers. You need a target audience and you have to know not just how to prospect and sell but to CLOSE the deal.
3) A system of pricing for profit. If you're not 100% sure what your costs are and margins should be, buy my book
But Are You Making Any Money? or figure it out on your own, but FIGURE IT OUT!
4) A plan to work on your business not just in it. You can't just be reactive. You need to set aside time every single week to focus on your goals and where you want to go.
5) A system of regeneration. You're going to get burned out. Period. Plan for it. Look at your week and make sure you've built in some "slop time" as my business coach likes to call it. Get recharged, reenergized and look at your business as a beautiful orchid that you need to nurture, trim and fertilize regularly. Successful profitable businesses (and beautiful flowers) don't happen by accident.